Urban Rock

Suculent, Watermelon fresh
Leave to fester, Create a karesh
Toungue tied with voices from above
And continentals call this love

Pirahna bites, White blood
Bath running, Waterfall, Flood
The lone triangle plays it song
Yet we are back to square one

But would you call it fun
oh no
oh no

Oh the awkwardness of it all
Good memories standing tall
Now we get on with our lives
And we work until we die

What a nice suprise
Oh no
Oh no


Mirror lyrics:


Oh no
Oh no
What a nice suprise

And we work until we die
Now we get on with our lives
Good memories standing tall
Oh the awkwardness of it all

oh no
oh no
But would you call it fun

Yet we are back to square one
The lone triangle plays it song
Bath running, Waterfall, Flood
Pirahna bites, White blood

And continentals call this love
Toungue tied with voices from above
Leave to fester, Create a karesh
Suculent, Watermelon fresh

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