Unwritten Law
You're My Angel

Looking into your eyes
I see all i want to be
And i don't want it to end

If i could only put to words the way
I see you
I only know I had an angel with me now

And when i fall asleep
You're all that I see
You're in my thoughts
And all of my prayers
I wish I could be
All that you mean to me

My angel without wings
My angel

I wish you could see
All that you mean to me
But i can never find the words
To tell you

And when i fall asleep
You're all that I see
You're in my thoughts
And all of my prayers
I wish I could be
All that you mean to me

And when i fall asleep
You're all that I see
You're in my thoughts
And all of my prayers
I wish I could be
All that you mean to me
My angel without wings

Mirror lyrics:

My angel without wings
All that you mean to me
I wish I could be
And all of my prayers
You're in my thoughts
You're all that I see
And when i fall asleep

All that you mean to me
I wish I could be
And all of my prayers
You're in my thoughts
You're all that I see
And when i fall asleep

To tell you
But i can never find the words
All that you mean to me
I wish you could see

My angel
My angel without wings

All that you mean to me
I wish I could be
And all of my prayers
You're in my thoughts
You're all that I see
And when i fall asleep

I only know I had an angel with me now
I see you
If i could only put to words the way

And i don't want it to end
I see all i want to be
Looking into your eyes

Relevant Tags:
YYou're MMy AAngel ou're y ngel oYu're yM nAgel gou're jy zngel gYou're jMy zAngel Ygou're Mjy Azngel hou're ky qngel
hYou're kMy qAngel Yhou're Mky Aqngel 6ou're ny sngel 6You're nMy sAngel Y6ou're Mny Asngel uou're Myy wngel uYou're M wAngel
Yuou're My Awngel 7ou're Mg xngel 7You're Mgy xAngel Y7ou're Myg Axngel jou're Mh Anngel jYou're Mhy Agel Yjou're Myh Agnel
tou're M6 Amgel tYou're M6y Amngel Ytou're My6 Anmgel Yoou're Mu Ahgel Yu're Muy Ahngel Yuo're Myu Anhgel Yku're M7 Ajgel
Ykou're M7y Ajngel Yoku're My7 Anjgel Y9u're Mj Abgel Y9ou're Abngel Yo9u're Myj Anbgel Y0u're Mt Anggel Y0ou're Mty Anel
Yo0u're Myt Anegl Ylu're Anhel Ylou're Yolu're Anghel Yiu're Anyel Yiou're Anygel Yoiu're Angyel
Youu're Anbel Yo're Yo'ure Angbel Yoh're Anvel Yohu're Anvgel Youh're Angvel Yo7're Anfel
Yo7u're Anfgel You7're Angfel Yok're Antel Antgel Youk're Angtel Yoi're Angeel

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