Unwilling To Quit The Addiction

Awkward silence leaves me bitter
Something shoould be said
Still nothing is done
What are we left with?
We are just specs under the sun
What is love to fill a gap between two souls?
Who is to believe in it (they are fools)

Maybe I should feel this way
Maybe we are better off today
Cross your eyes and watch the edges fray
Just don't sta... Don't stay... Don't! ... (stay)

Awkward silence leaves me empty
Feeling laughed at and betrayed
Something should have been said
But we are only human
So we believe in love instead

...Maybe I should feel this way
Maybe we are better off today
Cross your eyes and see the edges fray
Bring 'em back into focus
And see me walk away!

Watch me turn away
And tear down everythign I've built
Tear away this mask of stability
Tear out this heart of insecurity
Tear apart this soul of hopeless feelings
Let me show you that I'm alive and breathing without you
Alive and well and breathing, alive and well...
Alive and well and... That I'm still alive

I'm alive (barely)
I'm breathing (raspy)
I'm fine (Lie)
(but hell it was a nice try)

So maybe you should feel this way
After all who am I to say
I am nothing, nobody, no-one
Just a fool living the lie of "another has come and gone"
You pushed me away
You pushed me away
This is all I have left to say
... This is all I could ever say

Awkward silence should be broken
So I turned to find the door wide open
Begging me...

Mirror lyrics:

Begging me...
So I turned to find the door wide open
Awkward silence should be broken

... This is all I could ever say
This is all I have left to say
You pushed me away
You pushed me away
Just a fool living the lie of "another has come and gone"
I am nothing, nobody, no-one
After all who am I to say
So maybe you should feel this way

(but hell it was a nice try)
I'm fine (Lie)
I'm breathing (raspy)
I'm alive (barely)

Alive and well and... That I'm still alive
Alive and well and breathing, alive and well...
Let me show you that I'm alive and breathing without you
Tear apart this soul of hopeless feelings
Tear out this heart of insecurity
Tear away this mask of stability
And tear down everythign I've built
Watch me turn away

And see me walk away!
Bring 'em back into focus
Cross your eyes and see the edges fray
Maybe we are better off today
...Maybe I should feel this way

So we believe in love instead
But we are only human
Something should have been said
Feeling laughed at and betrayed
Awkward silence leaves me empty

Just don't sta... Don't stay... Don't! ... (stay)
Cross your eyes and watch the edges fray
Maybe we are better off today
Maybe I should feel this way

Who is to believe in it (they are fools)
What is love to fill a gap between two souls?
We are just specs under the sun
What are we left with?
Still nothing is done
Something shoould be said
Awkward silence leaves me bitter

Relevant Tags:
LLove ove oLve kove kLove Lkove oove oLove Loove pove pLove
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