Unto Ashes
Whitches' Rune

Darksome night and shining Moon
Hearken to the witches' rune
East then South, West then North
Hear! Come! I call Thee forth
By all the powers of land sea
Be obedient unto Me
Wand and Pentacle and Sword
Hearken ye unto My word
Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife
Waken all ye into life.

Powers of the Witches' Blade
Come ye as the charge is made
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell
Send your aid unto the spell
Horned Hunter of the night
Work My will by Magick rite
By all the powers of land and sea
As I do say, "So mote it be"
By all the might of Moon and Sun
As I do will, it shall be done.

Eko, Eko, Azarak, Eko, Eko, Zamilak,
Eko, Eko, Cernunnos, Eko, Eko, Aradia...

Mirror lyrics:

Eko, Eko, Cernunnos, Eko, Eko, Aradia...
Eko, Eko, Azarak, Eko, Eko, Zamilak,

As I do will, it shall be done.
By all the might of Moon and Sun
As I do say, "So mote it be"
By all the powers of land and sea
Work My will by Magick rite
Horned Hunter of the night
Send your aid unto the spell
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell
Come ye as the charge is made
Powers of the Witches' Blade

Waken all ye into life.
Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife
Hearken ye unto My word
Wand and Pentacle and Sword
Be obedient unto Me
By all the powers of land sea
Hear! Come! I call Thee forth
East then South, West then North
Hearken to the witches' rune
Darksome night and shining Moon

Relevant Tags:
WWhitches' RRune hitches' une hWitches' uRne ahitches' dune aWhitches' dRune Wahitches' Rdune 3hitches' 4une 3Whitches' 4Rune
W3hitches' R4une dhitches' gune dWhitches' gRune Wdhitches' Rgune ehitches' tune eWhitches' tRune Wehitches' Rtune shitches' 5une
sWhitches' 5Rune Wshitches' R5une 2hitches' fune 2Whitches' fRune W2hitches' Rfune qhitches' eune qWhitches' eRune Wqhitches' Reune
Whhitches' Ruune Witches' Rne Wihtches' Rnue Wjitches' Rhne Wjhitches' Rhune Whjitches' Ruhne Wuitches' R7ne Wuhitches' R7une
Whuitches' Ru7ne Wnitches' Rkne Wnhitches' Rkune Whnitches' Rukne Wbitches' Rine Wbhitches' Riune Whbitches' Ruine Wgitches' R8ne
Wghitches' R8une Whgitches' Ru8ne Wyitches' Rjne Wyhitches' Rjune Whyitches' Rujne Whiitches' Ryne Whtches' Ryune Whtiches' Ruyne
Whjtches' Runne Rue Whijtches' Ruen Wh9tches' Rume Wh9itches' Rumne Whi9tches' Runme Whltches' Ruhe Whlitches'
Whiltches' Runhe Whotches' Ruje Whoitches' Whiotches' Runje Whktches' Rube Whkitches' Rubne Whiktches' Runbe Wh8tches' Runee
Wh8itches' Run Whi8tches' Rune Whutches' Runs Runse Whiutches' Runes Whittches' Run3 Whiches' Run3e Whicthes' Rune3
Whifches' Runf Whiftches' Runfe Whitfches' Runef Whi5ches' Runr Whi5tches' Runre Whit5ches' Runer Whihches' Run4 Whihtches' Run4e
Whithches' Rune4 Whiyches' Rund Whiytches' Runde Whityches' Runed Whi6ches' Runw

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