Treble Charger

I'm tred of thinking less
Of what you heard me say
I'm troubled I confess
It's clear that I can't stay
Surrender now I guess
Safe to face the light of day
I'll tell you all the rest
It'll have to be on the way

If I live that long
Don't think I'm that strong
I wish I was wrong
But that's not likely

Driving through the night
The street lamps shine so bright
Oh they're so bright

Everything will pass
Like a car with tires that squeal
Cause it's driving way too fats
And it's me behind the wheel

I know it's been a blast
Don't know how I'm spose to feel
The more I hit the gas
The less it seems to be real

I won't live that long
But I do feel strong
You can prove me wrong
But that's not likely

Driving through the night
The street lamps shine so bright
But I don't feel all right

Driving through the night
The street lamps shine so bright
But I don't feel all right

Driving through the night
And its alright

Mirror lyrics:

And its alright
Driving through the night

But I don't feel all right
The street lamps shine so bright
Driving through the night

But I don't feel all right
The street lamps shine so bright
Driving through the night

But that's not likely
You can prove me wrong
But I do feel strong
I won't live that long

The less it seems to be real
The more I hit the gas
Don't know how I'm spose to feel
I know it's been a blast

And it's me behind the wheel
Cause it's driving way too fats
Like a car with tires that squeal
Everything will pass

Oh they're so bright
The street lamps shine so bright
Driving through the night

But that's not likely
I wish I was wrong
Don't think I'm that strong
If I live that long

It'll have to be on the way
I'll tell you all the rest
Safe to face the light of day
Surrender now I guess
It's clear that I can't stay
I'm troubled I confess
Of what you heard me say
I'm tred of thinking less

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