Treble Charger
How She Died

You got the best of me
It didn't take so long
The things you put me through
Seemed to be so wrong

You did not lie
In spite of your truth
You said you'd try
You can not prove it

I close my eyes
I don't wanna find out how she died
The fool is bright
You can't expect to turn away tonight

You've seen the last of me
Don't have to take my hand
You shouldn't try so hard
So hard to understand

I see the end
It's waiting for me
No time to spend
To drown in moments

I close my eyes
I don't wanna find out how she died
The fool is bright
You can't expect to turn away tonight

I can't stand to agonize
On what I've lied, apologize
You fall behind your sense of place
It's anywhere and every way

I close my eyes
I don't wanna find out how she died
The fool is bright
You can't expect to turn away tonight

Mirror lyrics:

You can't expect to turn away tonight
The fool is bright
I don't wanna find out how she died
I close my eyes

It's anywhere and every way
You fall behind your sense of place
On what I've lied, apologize
I can't stand to agonize

You can't expect to turn away tonight
The fool is bright
I don't wanna find out how she died
I close my eyes

To drown in moments
No time to spend
It's waiting for me
I see the end

So hard to understand
You shouldn't try so hard
Don't have to take my hand
You've seen the last of me

You can't expect to turn away tonight
The fool is bright
I don't wanna find out how she died
I close my eyes

You can not prove it
You said you'd try
In spite of your truth
You did not lie

Seemed to be so wrong
The things you put me through
It didn't take so long
You got the best of me

Relevant Tags:
HHow SShe DDied ow he ied oHw hSe iDed jow zhe xied jHow zShe xDied Hjow Szhe Dxied uow whe eied uHow wShe eDied Huow Swhe Deied
now dhe fied nHow dShe fDied Hnow Sdhe Dfied bow ehe ried bHow eShe rDied Hbow Sehe Dried gow xhe cied gHow xShe cDied Hgow Sxhe Dcied
yow ahe sied yHow aShe sDied Hyow Sahe Dsied Hoow Shhe Diied Hw Se Ded Hwo Seh Deid Hkw Sje Djed Hkow Sjhe Djied Hokw Shje Dijed
H9w Sue D9ed H9ow Suhe D9ied Ho9w Shue Di9ed H0w Sne Dled H0ow Snhe Dlied Ho0w Shne Diled Hlw Sbe Doed Hlow Sbhe Doied Holw Shbe Dioed
Hiw Sge Dked Hiow Sghe Dkied Hoiw Shge Diked Howw Sye D8ed Ho Syhe D8ied How Shye Di8ed Hoa Shee Dued

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