Treble Charger

The news absonded all
Past dually marked
Of what you wanted done
January's been long
He walked around his stuff
As she's been so
The manager speaks of him
Twenty five years down

There's nothing there at all
The biggest things are always small
It doesn't matter at all

The emptiness on his face
Now you've put wrong
The simple moments of
Tempering the night

Stand around my seething
On what's involved
From arguments left out
Can't you hear the call?

Mirror lyrics:

Can't you hear the call?
From arguments left out
On what's involved
Stand around my seething

Tempering the night
The simple moments of
Now you've put wrong
The emptiness on his face

It doesn't matter at all
The biggest things are always small
There's nothing there at all

Twenty five years down
The manager speaks of him
As she's been so
He walked around his stuff
January's been long
Of what you wanted done
Past dually marked
The news absonded all

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