Travis Tritt
Put Some Drive In Your Country

Well I was raised on country classics
Like Roy Acuff and George Jones
Lord, I loved to hear 'em

(sing all them old time country songs)

But I really got excited
'bout the time I turned 15
That's the first time
I heard Waylon and old Bocephus sing
They put some drive in their country
that really turned me on

Yeah, put some drive in your country
Keep country drivin' on
When the music gets you movin'
You know that can't be wrong
Every time I hear that outlaw stuff on my car radio
It makes me wanna drive it just as fast as it will go
Put some drive in your country
Let's keep country drivin' on

We played some shows in Atlanta on Sunday afternoons
The gigs were packed and I was nervous
Cause I wanted folks to like my tunes
The crowds were full of younger people
They were all about my age
So I turned and told the band just before we walked on stage
Put some drive in your country fellas
We turned those people on

Yeah, put some drive in your country
Keep country drivin' on
When the music gets you dancin'
You know that can't be wrong
See, I made myself a promise when I was just a kid
I'd mix southern rock and country and that's just what I did
Put some drive in your country
Keep country drivin' on

Put some drive in your country
Hey, let's keep country drivin' on
When the music gets you movin'
You know that can't be wrong
I still love old country
I ain't tryin' to put it down
Damn, I miss Duanne Allman
I wish he was still around
Put some drive in the country
Keep country drivin' on

Put some drive in the country
Let's keep country drivin' on

Mirror lyrics:

Let's keep country drivin' on
Put some drive in the country

Keep country drivin' on
Put some drive in the country
I wish he was still around
Damn, I miss Duanne Allman
I ain't tryin' to put it down
I still love old country
You know that can't be wrong
When the music gets you movin'
Hey, let's keep country drivin' on
Put some drive in your country

Keep country drivin' on
Put some drive in your country
I'd mix southern rock and country and that's just what I did
See, I made myself a promise when I was just a kid
You know that can't be wrong
When the music gets you dancin'
Keep country drivin' on
Yeah, put some drive in your country

We turned those people on
Put some drive in your country fellas
So I turned and told the band just before we walked on stage
They were all about my age
The crowds were full of younger people
Cause I wanted folks to like my tunes
The gigs were packed and I was nervous
We played some shows in Atlanta on Sunday afternoons

Let's keep country drivin' on
Put some drive in your country
It makes me wanna drive it just as fast as it will go
Every time I hear that outlaw stuff on my car radio
You know that can't be wrong
When the music gets you movin'
Keep country drivin' on
Yeah, put some drive in your country

that really turned me on
They put some drive in their country
I heard Waylon and old Bocephus sing
That's the first time
'bout the time I turned 15
But I really got excited

(sing all them old time country songs)

Lord, I loved to hear 'em
Like Roy Acuff and George Jones
Well I was raised on country classics

Relevant Tags:
PPut SSome DDrive IIn YYour CCountry ut ome rive n our ountry uPt oSme rDive nI oYur oCuntry 0ut zome xrive jn gour fountry 0Put zSome xDrive jIn gYour fCountry
P0ut Szome Dxrive Ijn Ygour Cfountry lut wome erive 9n hour xountry lPut wSome eDrive 9In hYour xCountry Plut Swome Derive I9n Yhour Cxountry out dome frive ln 6our vountry
oPut dSome fDrive lIn 6Your vCountry Pout Sdome Dfrive Iln Y6our Cvountry Puut eome rrive on uour dountry Pt eSome rDrive oIn uYour dCountry Ptu Seome Drrive Ion Yuour Cdountry
Pht xome crive kn 7our Coountry Phut xSome cDrive kIn 7Your Cuntry Puht Sxome Dcrive Ikn Y7our Cuontry P7t aome srive 8n jour Ckuntry P7ut aSome sDrive 8In jYour Ckountry
Pu7t Saome Dsrive I8n Yjour Cokuntry Pkt Soome un tour C9untry Pkut Sme Dive uIn tYour C9ountry Pukt Smoe Dirve Iun Ytour Co9untry Pit Skme Ddive Inn Yoour C0untry
Piut Skome Ddrive I Yur C0ountry Puit Sokme Drdive In Yuor Co0untry P8t S9me D4ive Im Ykur Cluntry P8ut S9ome D4rive Imn Ykour Clountry Pu8t So9me Dr4ive Inm Yokur Coluntry
Pjt S0me Dgive Ih Y9ur Ciuntry Pjut S0ome Dgrive Ihn Y9our Ciountry Pujt So0me Drgive Inh Yo9ur Coiuntry Pyt Slme Dtive Ij Y0ur Couuntry Pyut Slome Dtrive Y0our Contry
Puyt Solme Drtive Inj Yo0ur Conutry Putt Sime D5ive Ib Ylur Cohntry Pu Siome D5rive Ibn Ylour Cohuntry Put Soime Dr5ive Inb Yolur Couhntry Puf Somme Dfive Yiur Co7ntry
Puft Soe Yiour Co7untry Putf Soem Drfive Yoiur Cou7ntry Pu5 Soje Deive Youur Cokntry Pu5t Sojme Yor Put5 Somje Dreive Yoru Coukntry
Puh Soke Driive Yohr Cointry Drve Yohur Puth Somke Drvie Youhr Couintry Puy Sone Drjve Yo7r Co8ntry Sonme Drjive Yo7ur Co8untry
Puty Somne Drijve You7r Cou8ntry Pu6 Somee Dr9ve Yokr Cojntry Pu6t Som Dr9ive Cojuntry Put6 Some Dri9ve Youkr Coujntry Pug Soms Drlve Yoir Coyntry
Pugt Somse Drlive Coyuntry Putg Somes Drilve Youir Couyntry Pur Som3 Drove Yo8r Counntry Purt Som3e Droive Yo8ur Coutry Putr Some3 Driove You8r Coutnry
Somf Drkve Yojr Coumtry Somfe Drkive Yojur Coumntry Somef Drikve Youjr Counmtry Somr Dr8ve Yoyr Couhtry Somre Dr8ive Yoyur
Somer Dri8ve Youyr Counhtry

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