Travie Mccoy
Dr. Feel Good (feat. Cee Lo Green)

Won't you come and help me take this pain away?
Oh, oh, oh doctor
Give me what I need to get me through the day
I want that feel good
That feel good
That real good, yeah
I want that feel good
That feel good
That real good
Dr. Feel Good, help me

Lately I been beside myself
And it's unlike me to hide myself
It's not like I like being by myself
I wanna see the world, but can't decide myself

Whether or not to get up off this couch
Whether or not to get about this house
I wanna know what it's like to feel real good
Is there somethin' you can prescribe, Dr. Feel Good?

I mean he's so happy, she's so free
Doctor, what in the world is wrong with me?
I just need some reassurance
I know my carrier wont be insurin' this

If you could just be earnest
Oops, I meant honest and make this promise
If any of this makes sense
Let 'em know I wasn't crazy, just thoroughly convinced

Won't you come and help me take this pain away?
Oh, oh, oh doctor
Give me what I need to get me through the day
I want that feel good
That feel good
That real good, yeah
I want that feel good
That feel good
That real good
Dr. Feel Good, help me

She got the set of lips like a sedative
Every time I kiss, it's like medicine
Somethin' said to me no, no, don't let her in
'Cause every time I do, I end up upset again

And then it's back to the waitin' room
Waitin' patiently for them to bring another patient to 'em
Anything is possible
Especially when you see it in the hospital

I hope Dr. Feel Good can fix me
And help me find peace of mind before 50
(Mr. McCoy, you're up next)
I made a detour quickly
Hightailed it towards the exit door before they could get me

It didn't take much to lose 'em
But before I got home, I came to a conclusion
That feeling good means another appointment
Take two of these and don't expect a call in the mornin'

Won't you come and help me take this pain away?
Oh, oh, oh doctor
Give me what I need to get me through the day
I want that feel good
That feel good
That real good, yeah
I want that feel good
That feel good
That real good
Dr. Feel Good, help me

Ladies and Gentlemen, pardon me, patients
See what I'mma do right now is break it down
Put your hands together
Repeat after me, come on

I feel good (I feel good)
Real good (Real good)
I feel good (I feel good)
Real good (Real good)

Won't you come and help me take this pain away?
Oh, oh, oh doctor
Give me what I need to get me through the day
I want that feel good
That feel good
That real good, yeah
I want that feel good
That feel good
That real good
Dr. Feel Good, help me

Yeah, I'll let this one ride out
Yeah, brought to you by yours truly Mr. Cee Lo Green
The delectable Smeezingtons
Thank y'all for comin' out
God bless, good night
Travie, by the away

Mirror lyrics:

Travie, by the away
God bless, good night
Thank y'all for comin' out
The delectable Smeezingtons
Yeah, brought to you by yours truly Mr. Cee Lo Green
Yeah, I'll let this one ride out

Dr. Feel Good, help me
That real good
That feel good
I want that feel good
That real good, yeah
That feel good
I want that feel good
Give me what I need to get me through the day
Oh, oh, oh doctor
Won't you come and help me take this pain away?

Real good (Real good)
I feel good (I feel good)
Real good (Real good)
I feel good (I feel good)

Repeat after me, come on
Put your hands together
See what I'mma do right now is break it down
Ladies and Gentlemen, pardon me, patients

Dr. Feel Good, help me
That real good
That feel good
I want that feel good
That real good, yeah
That feel good
I want that feel good
Give me what I need to get me through the day
Oh, oh, oh doctor
Won't you come and help me take this pain away?

Take two of these and don't expect a call in the mornin'
That feeling good means another appointment
But before I got home, I came to a conclusion
It didn't take much to lose 'em

Hightailed it towards the exit door before they could get me
I made a detour quickly
(Mr. McCoy, you're up next)
And help me find peace of mind before 50
I hope Dr. Feel Good can fix me

Especially when you see it in the hospital
Anything is possible
Waitin' patiently for them to bring another patient to 'em
And then it's back to the waitin' room

'Cause every time I do, I end up upset again
Somethin' said to me no, no, don't let her in
Every time I kiss, it's like medicine
She got the set of lips like a sedative

Dr. Feel Good, help me
That real good
That feel good
I want that feel good
That real good, yeah
That feel good
I want that feel good
Give me what I need to get me through the day
Oh, oh, oh doctor
Won't you come and help me take this pain away?

Let 'em know I wasn't crazy, just thoroughly convinced
If any of this makes sense
Oops, I meant honest and make this promise
If you could just be earnest

I know my carrier wont be insurin' this
I just need some reassurance
Doctor, what in the world is wrong with me?
I mean he's so happy, she's so free

Is there somethin' you can prescribe, Dr. Feel Good?
I wanna know what it's like to feel real good
Whether or not to get about this house
Whether or not to get up off this couch

I wanna see the world, but can't decide myself
It's not like I like being by myself
And it's unlike me to hide myself
Lately I been beside myself

Dr. Feel Good, help me
That real good
That feel good
I want that feel good
That real good, yeah
That feel good
I want that feel good
Give me what I need to get me through the day
Oh, oh, oh doctor
Won't you come and help me take this pain away?

Relevant Tags:
DDr. FFeel GGood ((feat. CCee LLo GGreen) r. eel ood feat. ee o reen) rD. eFel oGod f(eat. eCe oL rGeen) xr. ceel hood (ffeat. fee ko hreen) xDr. cFeel hGood (eat. fCee kLo hGreen)
Dxr. Fceel Ghood (efat. Cfee Lko Ghreen) er. reel yood (ceat. xee oo yreen) eDr. rFeel yGood (cfeat. xCee oLo yGreen) Der. Freel Gyood (fceat. Cxee Loo Gyreen) fr. geel bood (reat. vee po breen)
fDr. gFeel bGood (rfeat. vCee pLo bGreen) Dfr. Fgeel Gbood (freat. Cvee Lpo Gbreen) rr. teel vood (geat. dee vreen) rDr. tFeel vGood (gfeat. dCee L vGreen) Drr. Fteel Gvood (fgeat. Cdee Lo Gvreen)
cr. veel food (teat. Ceee Lk freen) cDr. vFeel fGood (tfeat. Ce fGreen) Dcr. Fveel Gfood (fteat. Cee Lok Gfreen) sr. deel tood (veat. Cse L9 treen) sDr. dFeel tGood (vfeat. Csee L9o tGreen)
Dsr. Fdeel Gtood (fveat. Cese Lo9 Gtreen) Feeel Goood (deat. C3e L0 Grreen) D. Fel God (dfeat. C3ee L0o Geen) D.r Feel Good (fdeat. Ce3e Lo0 Geren) Dd. Fsel Gkod (feeat. Cfe Ll Gdeen)
Ddr. Fseel Gkood (fat. Llo Gdreen) Drd. Fesel Gokod (faet. Cefe Lol Grdeen) D4. F3el G9od (fsat. Cre Li G4een) D4r. F3eel G9ood (fseat. Cree Lio G4reen) Dr4. Fe3el Go9od (fesat. Cere Loi Gr4een)
Dg. Ffel G0od (f3at. C4e Ggeen) Dgr. Ffeel G0ood (f3eat. C4ee Ggreen) Drg. Fefel Go0od (fe3at. Ce4e Grgeen) Dt. Frel Glod (ffat. Cde Gteen) Dtr. Glood
Drt. Ferel Golod (fefat. Cede Grteen) D5. F4el Giod (frat. Cwe G5een) D5r. F4eel Giood Cwee G5reen) Dr5. Fe4el Goiod (ferat. Cewe Gr5een) Df. Fdel (f4at. Gfeen)
(f4eat. Drf. Fedel Godo (fe4at. Grfeen) De. Fwel Gokd (fdat. Ces Geeen) Fweel Gereen) Dre. Fewel Gookd (fedat. Cees Greeen)
Dr.. Go9d (fwat. Ce3 Dr (fweat. Gren)

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