Cover Up

You must have pulled the trigger
Your eyes give you away
The gun in your hand still smoking
You don't have to take the blame
You have to do what you have to do
You know I'd never judge you
Still time to close those eyes
Forget what happened, forget you lied

Put the mask back on, put the mask back on
Don't take it off till everybody's gone
Put the mask back on, put the mask back on
The disguise is everlasting so long

Cover up, cover up
don't let them see the real you
if your secrets cant stay silent
all those rumors might just end being true

Your free to do what you want
You never thought of consequence
You created your own little world were you could always be different
a place were the rules do not apply
you could never be denied you took advantage of a good thing
and now the void you
build is empty

Put the mask back on, put the mask back on
Don't take it off till everybody's gone
Put the mask back on, put the mask back on
The disguise is everlasting so long

Cover up, cover up
don't let them see the real you
if your secrets cant stay silent
all those rumors might just end being true

Cover up, cover up
Don't question anything you do
You have always kept it quite
But your conscience haunts you every time you choose

Has anyone ever reached out to you
Has anyone ever seen your real face
Does anyone know what you've been doing
As the one we used to know fades away

Cover up, cover up
don't let them see the real you
if your secrets cant stay silent
all those rumors might just end being true

Cover up, cover up
Don't question anything you do
You have always kept it quite
But your conscience haunts you every time you choose

Mirror lyrics:

But your conscience haunts you every time you choose
You have always kept it quite
Don't question anything you do
Cover up, cover up

all those rumors might just end being true
if your secrets cant stay silent
don't let them see the real you
Cover up, cover up

As the one we used to know fades away
Does anyone know what you've been doing
Has anyone ever seen your real face
Has anyone ever reached out to you

But your conscience haunts you every time you choose
You have always kept it quite
Don't question anything you do
Cover up, cover up

all those rumors might just end being true
if your secrets cant stay silent
don't let them see the real you
Cover up, cover up

The disguise is everlasting so long
Put the mask back on, put the mask back on
Don't take it off till everybody's gone
Put the mask back on, put the mask back on

build is empty
and now the void you
you could never be denied you took advantage of a good thing
a place were the rules do not apply
You created your own little world were you could always be different
You never thought of consequence
Your free to do what you want

all those rumors might just end being true
if your secrets cant stay silent
don't let them see the real you
Cover up, cover up

The disguise is everlasting so long
Put the mask back on, put the mask back on
Don't take it off till everybody's gone
Put the mask back on, put the mask back on

Forget what happened, forget you lied
Still time to close those eyes
You know I'd never judge you
You have to do what you have to do
You don't have to take the blame
The gun in your hand still smoking
Your eyes give you away
You must have pulled the trigger

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CCover UUp over p oCver pU fover hp fCover hUp Cfover Uhp xover 7p xCover 7Up Cxover U7p vover kp vCover kUp
Cvover Ukp dover ip dCover iUp Cdover Uip Coover 8p Cver 8Up Cvoer U8p Ckver jp Ckover jUp Cokver Ujp C9ver yp
C9over yUp Co9ver Uyp C0ver Upp C0over U Co0ver Up Clver U0 Clover U0p Colver Up0 Civer Ul Ciover Ulp Coiver Upl
Covver Uo Coer Uop Coevr Upo Cober Cobver Covber Cocer Cocver Covcer Coger Cogver

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