My Private Nation

Why you gotta treat me like I'm a low down dirty
Climbin' up on thirty
Dress like a kid to make me feel young punk
And talk junk
You musta fell out of your bunk
And smacked your head
Or your face or somethin'

I don't need nobody flyin' in my jet stream
Take the bus
Go on and get yourself your own dream

This is my own life keepin' me down
Where I wanna be in my private nation
I'm alone all thinkin' life's a phone call
Here for just a while when in my private nation
You can ride or you can go

Why you gonna step on shoes
When you don't know whose been in 'em
Have you ever been more than a bump
On a rock that likes to roll
In the middle of a soup bowl in the sky
Use your eyes
It's all you got till you die

I don't need nobody flyin' in my jet stream
Take the bus
Go on and get yourself your own dream

You can ride on, it ain't free
Leave a light on, so you can see
How to get back when you go

How to get, how to give
How to make ends meet
How to lose, how to win
How to stay on the seat
How to use momentum to keep the two wheels straight
How to wait after it feels like you waited so long

Mirror lyrics:

How to wait after it feels like you waited so long
How to use momentum to keep the two wheels straight
How to stay on the seat
How to lose, how to win
How to make ends meet
How to get, how to give

How to get back when you go
Leave a light on, so you can see
You can ride on, it ain't free

Go on and get yourself your own dream
Take the bus
I don't need nobody flyin' in my jet stream

It's all you got till you die
Use your eyes
In the middle of a soup bowl in the sky
On a rock that likes to roll
Have you ever been more than a bump
When you don't know whose been in 'em
Why you gonna step on shoes

You can ride or you can go
Here for just a while when in my private nation
I'm alone all thinkin' life's a phone call
Where I wanna be in my private nation
This is my own life keepin' me down

Go on and get yourself your own dream
Take the bus
I don't need nobody flyin' in my jet stream

Or your face or somethin'
And smacked your head
You musta fell out of your bunk
And talk junk
Dress like a kid to make me feel young punk
Climbin' up on thirty
Why you gotta treat me like I'm a low down dirty

Relevant Tags:
MMy PPrivate NNation y rivate ation yM rPivate aNtion jy 0rivate mation jMy 0Private mNation Mjy P0rivate Nmation
ky lrivate hation kMy lPrivate hNation Mky Plrivate Nhation ny orivate jation nMy oPrivate jNation Mny Porivate Njation
Myy Prrivate bation M Pivate bNation My Pirvate Nbation Mg Pdivate Naation Mgy Pdrivate Ntion Myg Prdivate Ntaion
Mh P4ivate Nztion Mhy P4rivate Nzation Myh Pr4ivate Naztion M6 Pgivate Nqtion M6y Pgrivate Nqation My6 Prgivate Naqtion
Mu Ptivate Nstion Muy Ptrivate Nsation Myu Prtivate Nastion M7 P5ivate Nwtion M7y P5rivate Nwation My7 Pr5ivate Nawtion
Mj Pfivate Nxtion Pfrivate Nxation Myj Prfivate Naxtion Mt Peivate Nattion Mty Perivate Naion Myt Preivate Naiton
Priivate Nafion Prvate Naftion Prviate Natfion Prjvate Na5ion Prjivate Na5tion Prijvate Nat5ion
Pr9vate Nahion Pr9ivate Nahtion Pri9vate Nathion Prlvate Nayion Prlivate Naytion Prilvate Natyion
Provate Na6ion Proivate Na6tion Priovate Nat6ion Prkvate Nagion Prkivate Nagtion Prikvate Natgion
Pr8vate Narion Pr8ivate Nartion Pri8vate Natrion Pruvate Natiion Pruivate Naton Priuvate Natoin
Privvate Natjon Priate Natjion Priavte Natijon Pribate Nat9on Pribvate Nat9ion Privbate Nati9on
Pricate Natlon Pricvate Natlion Privcate Natilon Prigate Natoon

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