Get Out

I know you turn your back on Mother Nature
For everything she puts you through
She wakes up every day and tries to greet you
I'm hopin' that you make it through

I called every morning - tried to reach you
And waited for you Saturday
But sunshine did not not come running
I'm a change your heart away

Get out Get out
Let the morning break in you
[Get out Get out]
I wont run unless I'm running after you

Thought that he'd be a high class mover
Well he's high now mover
But his class aint new

You were born to be ballerina
So you danced your way to Hollywood
Dancing's what you got, but not like you wanted
Not like you wanted anything

Get out Get out
Let the morning break in you
[Get out Get out]
I wont run unless I'm running after you

All the bigs got nothing at the top
- so stop and get a good look - at this miracle
All the big lie, nothing up above, just know
- so get a good look - at this miracle
'Cause this miracle is you
This miracle is you

Get out Get out
Let the morning break in you
[Get out Get out]
I wont run unless I'm running after you

Get out Get out
Let the morning break in you
[Get out Get out]
I wont run unless I'm running after you

And I wont run unless I'm running after you
And I wont run unless I'm running after you

Mirror lyrics:

And I wont run unless I'm running after you
And I wont run unless I'm running after you

I wont run unless I'm running after you
[Get out Get out]
Let the morning break in you
Get out Get out

I wont run unless I'm running after you
[Get out Get out]
Let the morning break in you
Get out Get out

This miracle is you
'Cause this miracle is you
- so get a good look - at this miracle
All the big lie, nothing up above, just know
- so stop and get a good look - at this miracle
All the bigs got nothing at the top

I wont run unless I'm running after you
[Get out Get out]
Let the morning break in you
Get out Get out

Not like you wanted anything
Dancing's what you got, but not like you wanted
So you danced your way to Hollywood
You were born to be ballerina

But his class aint new
Well he's high now mover
Thought that he'd be a high class mover

I wont run unless I'm running after you
[Get out Get out]
Let the morning break in you
Get out Get out

I'm a change your heart away
But sunshine did not not come running
And waited for you Saturday
I called every morning - tried to reach you

I'm hopin' that you make it through
She wakes up every day and tries to greet you
For everything she puts you through
I know you turn your back on Mother Nature

Relevant Tags:
GGet OOut et ut eGt uOt het kut hGet kOut Ghet Okut yet 9ut yGet 9Out Gyet O9ut bet 0ut bGet 0Out
Gbet O0ut vet lut vGet lOut Gvet Olut fet iut fGet iOut Gfet Oiut tet Ouut tGet Ot Gtet Otu Geet Oht
Gt Ohut Gte Ouht Gst O7t Gset O7ut Gest Ou7t G3t Okt G3et Ge3t Oukt Gft Oit Geft Ouit

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