Tragically Hip, The
The Dire Wolf

In that September off
Isle aux Morts
the desultory sea
grew more so through the night

and made one think of
tawny ports,
as aspen tremblin'
in tomorrow's thorough light
and of Tallulah Bankhead
and Canada Lee
somewhere far-off, peaceful, sleeping
and done with acting

past the Dire Wolf's lair
on a Newfoundland's paws
close to nowhere
and halfway across

but never more 'here'
expanse getting broader
though bigger boats been
done by less water
tho better boats been done by this water
tho better boats been done by less water

in that september off
Isle aux Morts
colourable seas
grew more to through the night

And made one think of
yawnin' shores
in tomorrow's thorough light

and the Tallulah Bankhead
and Canada Lee
somewhere far-off, peaceful, sleeping
they learned to love sleep

at the Dire Wolf's crest
the Newfoundland paused
desolate's best
was gotten across

we were never more 'here'
expanse getting broader
when better boats been
done by this water

at the Dire Wolf's best
the Newfoundland paused
so desperate as
to be a lost cause

you were never more hear
expanse getting broader
when better boats been
done by this water
where bigger boats been done by less water
and betting boats been done by this water
when bigger boats been done by less water
and better boats been done by this water

Mirror lyrics:

and better boats been done by this water
when bigger boats been done by less water
and betting boats been done by this water
where bigger boats been done by less water
done by this water
when better boats been
expanse getting broader
you were never more hear

to be a lost cause
so desperate as
the Newfoundland paused
at the Dire Wolf's best

done by this water
when better boats been
expanse getting broader
we were never more 'here'

was gotten across
desolate's best
the Newfoundland paused
at the Dire Wolf's crest

they learned to love sleep
somewhere far-off, peaceful, sleeping
and Canada Lee
and the Tallulah Bankhead

in tomorrow's thorough light
yawnin' shores
And made one think of

grew more to through the night
colourable seas
Isle aux Morts
in that september off

tho better boats been done by less water
tho better boats been done by this water
done by less water
though bigger boats been
expanse getting broader
but never more 'here'

and halfway across
close to nowhere
on a Newfoundland's paws
past the Dire Wolf's lair

and done with acting
somewhere far-off, peaceful, sleeping
and Canada Lee
and of Tallulah Bankhead
in tomorrow's thorough light
as aspen tremblin'
tawny ports,
and made one think of

grew more so through the night
the desultory sea
Isle aux Morts
In that September off

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDire WWolf he ire olf hTe iDre oWlf fhe xire aolf fThe xDire aWolf Tfhe Dxire Waolf 5he eire 3olf 5The eDire 3Wolf T5he Deire W3olf
hhe fire dolf hThe fDire dWolf Thhe Dfire Wdolf yhe rire eolf yThe rDire eWolf Tyhe Drire Weolf 6he cire solf 6The cDire sWolf T6he Dcire Wsolf
ghe sire 2olf gThe sDire 2Wolf Tghe Dsire W2olf rhe Diire qolf rThe Dre qWolf Trhe Drie Wqolf Djre Woolf Te Djire Wlf Teh Dijre Wlof
Tje D9re Wklf Tjhe D9ire Wkolf Thje Di9re Woklf Tue Dlre W9lf Tuhe Dlire W9olf Thue Dilre Wo9lf Tne Dore W0lf Tnhe Doire W0olf Thne Diore Wo0lf
Tbe Dkre Wllf Tbhe Dkire Wlolf Thbe Dikre Wollf Tge D8re Wilf D8ire Wiolf Thge Di8re Woilf Tye Dure Duire Wof

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