Trisha Yearwood
You Don't Have To Move That Mountain

(Keith Whitley)

You don't have to move that mountain
Just help me Lord to climb it
You don't have to move that stumblin' block
Just show me the way around it.

We must climb a great high mountain
To reach God's gracious kingdom
In his words you'll find the strenght
If you will just believe them.

Well, the way is filled with pitfalls
And sometimes we may falter
You can have his grace my friend
On your knees, down at the altar...

Mirror lyrics:

On your knees, down at the altar...
You can have his grace my friend
And sometimes we may falter
Well, the way is filled with pitfalls

If you will just believe them.
In his words you'll find the strenght
To reach God's gracious kingdom
We must climb a great high mountain

Just show me the way around it.
You don't have to move that stumblin' block
Just help me Lord to climb it
You don't have to move that mountain

(Keith Whitley)

Relevant Tags:
YYou DDon't HHave TTo MMove TThat MMountain ou on't ave o ove hat ountain oYu oDn't aHve oT oMve hTat oMuntain gou xon't jave fo jove fhat jountain
gYou xDon't jHave fTo jMove fThat jMountain Ygou Dxon't Hjave Tfo Mjove Tfhat Mjountain hou eon't uave 5o kove 5hat kountain hYou eDon't uHave 5To kMove 5That kMountain
Yhou Deon't Huave T5o Mkove T5hat Mkountain 6ou fon't nave ho nove hhat nountain 6You fDon't nHave hTo nMove hThat nMountain Y6ou Dfon't Hnave Tho Mnove Thhat Mnountain
uou ron't bave yo Moove yhat Moountain uYou rDon't bHave yTo Mve yThat Muntain Yuou Dron't Hbave Tyo Mvoe Tyhat Muontain 7ou con't gave 6o Mkve 6hat Mkuntain
7You cDon't gHave 6To 6That Y7ou Dcon't Hgave T6o Mokve T6hat Mokuntain jou son't yave go M9ve ghat M9untain jYou sDon't yHave gTo M9ove gThat M9ountain
Yjou Dson't Hyave Tgo Mo9ve Tghat Mo9untain tou Doon't Haave ro M0ve rhat M0untain tYou Dn't Hve rTo M0ove rThat M0ountain Ytou Dno't Hvae Tro Mo0ve Trhat Mo0untain
Yoou Dkn't Hzve Too Mlve Mluntain Yu Dkon't Hzave T Mlove Tat Mlountain Yuo Dokn't Hazve To Molve Taht Moluntain Yku D9n't Hqve Tk Mive Tjat Miuntain
Ykou D9on't Hqave Tko Miove Tjhat Miountain Yoku Do9n't Haqve Tok Moive Thjat Moiuntain Y9u D0n't Hsve T9 Movve Tuat Mouuntain Y9ou D0on't Hsave T9o Moe Tuhat Montain
Yo9u Do0n't Hasve To9 Moev Thuat Monutain Y0u Dln't Hwve T0 Mobe Tnat Mohntain Y0ou Dlon't Hwave T0o Mobve Tnhat Mohuntain Yo0u Doln't Hawve To0 Movbe Thnat Mouhntain
Ylu Din't Hxve Tl Moce Tbat Mo7ntain Ylou Dion't Hxave Tlo Mocve Tbhat Mo7untain Yolu Doin't Haxve Tol Movce Thbat Mou7ntain Yiu Donn't Havve Ti Moge Tgat Mokntain
Yiou Do't Hae Tio Mogve Yoiu Do'nt Haev Toi Movge Thgat Moukntain Youu Dom't Habe Mofe Tyat Mointain Yo Domn't Habve Mofve
You Donm't Havbe Movfe Thyat Mouintain Yoh Doh't Hace Movee Thaat Mo8ntain Yohu Dohn't Hacve Mov Tht Mo8untain Youh Donh't Havce Move Thta Mou8ntain
Yo7 Doj't Hage Movs Thzt Mojntain Yo7u Dojn't Hagve Movse Thzat Mojuntain You7 Donj't Havge Moves Thazt Moujntain Yok Dob't Hafe Mov3 Thqt Moyntain
Dobn't Hafve Mov3e Thqat Moyuntain Youk Donb't Havfe Move3 Thaqt Mouyntain Yoi Don''t Havee Movf Thst Mounntain Dont Hav Thsat Moutain
Youi Dont' Have Movef Thast Moutnain Yo8 Don'tt Havs Movr Thwt Moumtain Yo8u Don' Havse Movre Thwat Moumntain You8 Don't Haves Mover Thawt Mounmtain
Yoj Don'f Hav3 Mov4 Thxt Mouhtain Yoju Don'ft Hav3e Mov4e Thxat Youj Don'tf Have3 Move4 Thaxt Mounhtain Yoy Don'5 Havf Movd Thatt Moujtain
Yoyu Don'5t Movde Tha Youy Don't5 Havef Moved That Mounjtain Don'h Havr Movw Thaf Moubtain Don'ht Havre Movwe Thaft Moubntain
Don'th Haver Movew Thatf Mounbtain Don'y Hav4 Tha5 Mounttain Don'yt Hav4e Tha5t Mounain Don'ty Have4 That5 Mounatin

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