Tracy Chapman
This Time

This time
I won't show I'm vulnerable
This time
I won't give in first
This time
I will hold out with my love
This time
I will not be hurt

Gonna love myself
More than anyone else
Gonna treat me right
Gonna make you say
That you love me first
You'll be the one
The most to lose tonight
This time

This time
Won't let my emotions rule my life
This time
Gonna keep my heart locked safe inside
This time
I'm gonna be my own best friend
This time
I'm gonna be the one

To win your love, your affection
To hide my fear of rejection
This time
This time

Gonna love myself
More than anyone else
Gonna treat me right
Gonna make you say
That you love me first
You'll be the one
The most to lose tonight
This time

This time
Won't let my emotions rule my life
This time
Gonna keep my heart locked safe inside
This time
I'm gonna be my own best friend
This time
I'm gonna be the one

Mirror lyrics:

I'm gonna be the one
This time
I'm gonna be my own best friend
This time
Gonna keep my heart locked safe inside
This time
Won't let my emotions rule my life
This time

This time
The most to lose tonight
You'll be the one
That you love me first
Gonna make you say
Gonna treat me right
More than anyone else
Gonna love myself

This time
This time
To hide my fear of rejection
To win your love, your affection

I'm gonna be the one
This time
I'm gonna be my own best friend
This time
Gonna keep my heart locked safe inside
This time
Won't let my emotions rule my life
This time

This time
The most to lose tonight
You'll be the one
That you love me first
Gonna make you say
Gonna treat me right
More than anyone else
Gonna love myself

I will not be hurt
This time
I will hold out with my love
This time
I won't give in first
This time
I won't show I'm vulnerable
This time

Relevant Tags:
TThis TTime his ime hTis iTme fhis fime fThis fTime Tfhis Tfime 5his 5ime 5This 5Time T5his T5ime hhis hime hThis hTime
Thhis Thime yhis yime yThis yTime Tyhis Tyime 6his 6ime 6This 6Time T6his T6ime ghis gime gThis gTime Tghis Tgime rhis rime
rThis rTime Trhis Trime Tiime Tis Tme Tihs Tmie Tjis Tjme Tjhis Tjime Thjis Tijme Tuis T9me Tuhis T9ime Thuis Ti9me
Tnis Tlme Tnhis Tlime Thnis Tilme Tbis Tome Tbhis Toime Thbis Tiome Tgis Tkme Tkime Thgis Tikme Tyis T8me

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