Toy Dolls, The
Fisticuffs In Frederick Street

Frederick Street was on the news tonight
outside Fosters club had been a fight
and everytime you go to dig the beat
you will hear a yelp and somebody shouting for help...
Hello, hello, hello, hello, who's down there?
who's down there?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, who's down there?
who's down there?
in the fisticuffs in Frederick Street
I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, you don't wanna be,
we don't wanna be there..
Fosters club was full up to the brim
everybody risking life and limb
and just to go and pose at the disco
but posing wasn't easy and the D.J.
he got queasy, blow by blow...
Everything's silent on Frederick Street
a lonely policeman walks the beat...
before long everybody'll know
that Fosters club is not the place to go
unless you want your head kicking in
you will hear a yelp and somebody shouting for help...

Mirror lyrics:

you will hear a yelp and somebody shouting for help...
unless you want your head kicking in
that Fosters club is not the place to go
before long everybody'll know
a lonely policeman walks the beat...
Everything's silent on Frederick Street
he got queasy, blow by blow...
but posing wasn't easy and the D.J.
and just to go and pose at the disco
everybody risking life and limb
Fosters club was full up to the brim
we don't wanna be there..
I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, you don't wanna be,
in the fisticuffs in Frederick Street
who's down there?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, who's down there?
who's down there?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, who's down there?
you will hear a yelp and somebody shouting for help...
and everytime you go to dig the beat
outside Fosters club had been a fight
Frederick Street was on the news tonight

Relevant Tags:
FFisticuffs IIn FFrederick SStreet isticuffs n rederick treet iFsticuffs nI rFederick tSreet cisticuffs jn crederick ztreet cFisticuffs jIn cFrederick zStreet
Fcisticuffs Ijn Fcrederick Sztreet risticuffs 9n rrederick wtreet rFisticuffs 9In rFrederick wStreet Fristicuffs I9n Frrederick Swtreet gisticuffs ln grederick dtreet
gFisticuffs lIn gFrederick dStreet Fgisticuffs Iln Fgrederick Sdtreet tisticuffs on trederick etreet tFisticuffs oIn tFrederick eStreet Ftisticuffs Ion Ftrederick Setreet
visticuffs kn vrederick xtreet vFisticuffs kIn vFrederick xStreet Fvisticuffs Ikn Fvrederick Sxtreet disticuffs 8n drederick atreet dFisticuffs 8In dFrederick aStreet
Fdisticuffs I8n Fdrederick Satreet Fiisticuffs un Sttreet Fsticuffs uIn Federick Sreet Fsiticuffs Iun Ferderick Srteet Fjsticuffs Inn Fdederick Sfreet
Fjisticuffs I Sftreet Fijsticuffs In Frdederick Stfreet F9sticuffs Im F4ederick S5reet F9isticuffs Imn F4rederick S5treet Fi9sticuffs Inm Fr4ederick St5reet
Flsticuffs Ih Fgederick Shreet Flisticuffs Ihn Shtreet Filsticuffs Inh Frgederick Sthreet Fosticuffs Ij Ftederick Syreet Foisticuffs Sytreet
Fiosticuffs Inj Frtederick Styreet Fksticuffs Ib F5ederick S6reet Fkisticuffs Ibn F5rederick S6treet Fiksticuffs Inb Fr5ederick St6reet F8sticuffs Ffederick Sgreet
F8isticuffs Ffrederick Sgtreet Fi8sticuffs Frfederick Stgreet Fusticuffs Feederick Srreet Fuisticuffs Ferederick Srtreet Fiusticuffs Freederick Strreet
Fissticuffs Fiticuffs Frderick Steet Fitsicuffs Frdeerick Steret Fizticuffs Frsderick Stdeet Fizsticuffs Frsederick Stdreet
Fiszticuffs Fresderick Strdeet Fiwticuffs Fr3derick St4eet Fiwsticuffs Fr3ederick St4reet Fiswticuffs Fre3derick Str4eet Fidticuffs Frfderick Stgeet
Fidsticuffs Fisdticuffs Frefderick Strgeet Fieticuffs Frrderick Stteet Fiesticuffs Fiseticuffs Frerderick Strteet
Fixticuffs Fr4derick St5eet Fixsticuffs Fisxticuffs Fre4derick Str5eet Fiaticuffs Frdderick Stfeet Fiasticuffs
Fisaticuffs Fredderick Strfeet Fistticuffs Frwderick Steeet Fisicuffs Frwederick Stereet Fisitcuffs Frewderick Streeet Fisficuffs
Fisfticuffs Freerick Stret Fistficuffs Freedrick Street Fis5icuffs Frexerick Strset Fis5ticuffs Frexderick Strseet Fist5icuffs Fredxerick Streset
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