Toy Dolls, The
I'll Get Even With Steven (steve Is Tender)

Steve is tender Steve is sweet

she'll never let him go

Steven made her life complete

That's why I hate him so

Would she ever really understand

I came to Durham all the way from Sunderland,

when I got there I could not believe

she'd gone with that trendy creep called Steve

How could she forsake me and see this puff,

is it coz of me she's had enough

everytime I rang she was not there

I'm sorry but she's out, she's out with Steve again somewhere!


She's in love with Steven, Steven

gonna get even, gonna get Steven,

then she won't love Steven, Steven

gonna get eve, gonna get Steve.

Are she and Steve really in love like she says they are

or is it just because Steven's dad lends him the car

or is it coz I'm ugly and Steven's not

or does he have something that I haven't got


I'm gonna make him black & blue

I'm gonna kick his head in

he won't know what to do


Mirror lyrics:


he won't know what to do

I'm gonna kick his head in

I'm gonna make him black & blue


or does he have something that I haven't got

or is it coz I'm ugly and Steven's not

or is it just because Steven's dad lends him the car

Are she and Steve really in love like she says they are

gonna get eve, gonna get Steve.

then she won't love Steven, Steven

gonna get even, gonna get Steven,

She's in love with Steven, Steven


I'm sorry but she's out, she's out with Steve again somewhere!

everytime I rang she was not there

is it coz of me she's had enough

How could she forsake me and see this puff,

she'd gone with that trendy creep called Steve

when I got there I could not believe

I came to Durham all the way from Sunderland,

Would she ever really understand

That's why I hate him so

Steven made her life complete

she'll never let him go

Steve is tender Steve is sweet

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II'll GGet EEven WWith SSteven ((steve IIs TTender) 'll et ven ith teven steve s ender) 'Ill eGt vEen iWth tSeven s(teve sI eTnder)
j'll het sven aith zteven (ssteve js fender) jI'll hGet sEven aWith zSteven (teve jIs fTender) Ij'll Ghet Esven Waith Szteven (tseve Ijs Tfender)
9'll yet 3ven 3ith wteven (zteve 9s 5ender) 9I'll yGet 3Even 3With wSteven (zsteve 9Is 5Tender) I9'll Gyet E3ven W3ith Swteven (szteve I9s T5ender)
l'll bet fven dith dteven (wteve ls hender) lI'll bGet fEven dWith dSteven (wsteve lIs hTender) Il'll Gbet Efven Wdith Sdteven (swteve Ils Thender)
o'll vet rven eith eteven (dteve os yender) oI'll vGet rEven eWith eSteven (dsteve oIs yTender) Io'll Gvet Erven Weith Seteven (sdteve Ios Tyender)
k'll fet 4ven sith xteven (eteve ks 6ender) kI'll fGet 4Even sWith xSteven (esteve kIs 6Tender) Ik'll Gfet E4ven Wsith Sxteven (seteve Iks T6ender)
8'll tet dven 2ith ateven (xteve 8s gender) 8I'll tGet dEven 2With aSteven (xsteve 8Is gTender) I8'll Gtet Edven W2ith Sateven (sxteve I8s Tgender)
u'll Geet wven qith Stteven (ateve us render) uI'll Gt wEven qWith Seven (asteve uIs rTender) Iu'll Gte Ewven Wqith Setven (sateve Ius Trender)
I''ll Gst Evven Wiith Sfeven (stteve Iss Teender) Ill Gset Een Wth Sfteven (seve I Tnder) Il'l Gest Eevn Wtih Stfeven (setve Is Tneder)
I'lll G3t Eben Wjth S5even (sfeve Iz Tsnder) I'l G3et Ebven Wjith S5teven (sfteve Izs Tsender) I'll Ge3t Evben Wijth St5even (stfeve Isz Tesnder)
I'kl Gft Ecen W9th Sheven (s5eve Iw T3nder) I'kll Ecven W9ith Shteven (s5teve Iws T3ender) I'lkl Geft Evcen Wi9th Stheven (st5eve Isw Te3nder)
I'ol Grt Egen Wlth Syeven (sheve Id Tfnder) I'oll Gret Egven Wlith Syteven (shteve Ids I'lol Gert Evgen Wilth Styeven (stheve Isd Tefnder)
I'pl G4t Efen Woth S6even (syeve Ie Trnder) I'pll G4et Woith S6teven (syteve Ies I'lpl Ge4t Evfen Wioth St6even (styeve Ise Ternder)
Gdt Eveen Wkth Sgeven (s6eve Ix T4nder) Gdet Evn Wkith Sgteven (s6teve Ixs T4ender) Gedt Evne Wikth Stgeven (st6eve Isx Te4nder)
I'lk Gwt Evsn W8th Sreven (sgeve Ia Tdnder) Gwet Evsen W8ith Srteven (sgteve Ias Tdender) I'llk Gewt Evesn Wi8th Streven (stgeve Isa Tednder)
I'lo Gett Ev3n Wuth Steeven (sreve Twnder) Ge Ev3en Wuith Stven (srteve Twender) I'llo Get Eve3n Wiuth Stveen (streve Tewnder)
I'lp Gef Evfn Witth Stsven (steeve Tennder) Wih Stseven (stve Teder) I'llp Getf Evefn Wiht Stesven (stvee Tedner)
Ge5 Evrn Wifh St3ven (stsve Temder) Ge5t Evren Wifth St3even (stseve Temnder) Get5 Evern Witfh Ste3ven (stesve Tenmder)
Geh Ev4n Wi5h Stfven (st3ve Tehder) Geht Ev4en Wi5th (st3eve Tehnder) Geth Eve4n Wit5h Stefven (ste3ve Tenhder)
Gey Evdn Wihh Strven (stfve Tejder) Geyt Evden Wihth Tejnder) Gety Evedn Withh Sterven (stefve Tenjder)
Ge6 Evwn Wiyh St4ven (strve Tebder) Ge6t Evwen Wiyth St4even Tebnder)

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