Martian Cowboy

(Words Willcox / Music Bogen/Darlow/Spalding)
Desert Hound
Martian Cowboy
Let me hold your hand
Down the freeway rolls a wayward beer can
And a desert hound
Carries decaying memories away
For the dogs to sense another day
Hold me in your arms
This planet is far from Mars
Lets just hold hands (for now)
And we'll take it as it comes
Celestial Stowaway
Martian Cowboy
Come again another day
Till then we're just a star away
My Martian Cowboy
Remember today
Hold me in your arms
This planet is far from Mars
Lets just hold hands (for now)
And we'll take it as it comes
Red planet
Sun rise
Red planet
Sun rise
Decaying cars
Splintered tyres
The deserted freeways of Mars
My Martian Cowboy
Hold me in your arms again
I said -
Hold me in your arms
This planet is far from Mars
Lets just hold hands (for now)
And we'll take it as it comes
Red planet
Sun rise
Red planet
Sun rise...

Mirror lyrics:

Sun rise...
Red planet
Sun rise
Red planet
And we'll take it as it comes
Lets just hold hands (for now)
This planet is far from Mars
Hold me in your arms
I said -
Hold me in your arms again
My Martian Cowboy
The deserted freeways of Mars
Splintered tyres
Decaying cars
Sun rise
Red planet
Sun rise
Red planet
And we'll take it as it comes
Lets just hold hands (for now)
This planet is far from Mars
Hold me in your arms
Remember today
My Martian Cowboy
Till then we're just a star away
Come again another day
Martian Cowboy
Celestial Stowaway
And we'll take it as it comes
Lets just hold hands (for now)
This planet is far from Mars
Hold me in your arms
For the dogs to sense another day
Carries decaying memories away
And a desert hound
Down the freeway rolls a wayward beer can
Let me hold your hand
Martian Cowboy
Desert Hound
(Words Willcox / Music Bogen/Darlow/Spalding)

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MMartian CCowboy artian owboy aMrtian oCwboy jartian fowboy jMartian fCowboy Mjartian Cfowboy kartian xowboy kMartian xCowboy
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Maftian Cosboy Mafrtian Coswboy Marftian Cowsboy Maetian Co2boy Maertian Co2wboy Maretian Cow2boy Coqboy Marian Coqwboy
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