The Hand Trembler

Is the God that I worship like an eight ball that says yes maybe or no?
Or like a ouija board that points the direction to go?

A family looks on forlorn and sad - the outcome will determine faithful or mad
Temperature soars to 107 - passing hands not yet ready for heaven
He sees himself floating somewhere overhead
A haunting apparition high above his bed
It's me, I think, but I seem to resemble the soul of a ghoul
The Hand Trembler walks out not a word did he say
Is his power for real though he failed today?
The family has scorned him - Hand Trembler denied.
The life of their son snuffed out as they cried
You left us in agony - your power is fake
Though we trusted in you, this answer we'll not take

Do you have the faith to let God be God - that is the question
Not a question of outcome but a question of trust
For he is truly God and we are but dust

There are things in this life we can never explain
On the wicked and the righteous fall sunshine and rain
I am not God, though at times I have tried
"You don't need him" - the deceiver has lied

Mirror lyrics:

"You don't need him" - the deceiver has lied
I am not God, though at times I have tried
On the wicked and the righteous fall sunshine and rain
There are things in this life we can never explain

For he is truly God and we are but dust
Not a question of outcome but a question of trust
Do you have the faith to let God be God - that is the question

Though we trusted in you, this answer we'll not take
You left us in agony - your power is fake
The life of their son snuffed out as they cried
The family has scorned him - Hand Trembler denied.
Is his power for real though he failed today?
The Hand Trembler walks out not a word did he say
It's me, I think, but I seem to resemble the soul of a ghoul
A haunting apparition high above his bed
He sees himself floating somewhere overhead
Temperature soars to 107 - passing hands not yet ready for heaven
A family looks on forlorn and sad - the outcome will determine faithful or mad

Or like a ouija board that points the direction to go?
Is the God that I worship like an eight ball that says yes maybe or no?

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHand TTrembler he and rembler hTe aHnd rTembler fhe jand frembler fThe jHand fTrembler Tfhe Hjand Tfrembler
5he uand 5rembler 5The uHand 5Trembler T5he Huand T5rembler hhe nand hrembler hThe nHand hTrembler Thhe Hnand Thrembler
yhe band yrembler yThe bHand yTrembler Tyhe Hband Tyrembler 6he gand 6rembler 6The gHand 6Trembler T6he Hgand T6rembler
ghe yand grembler gThe yHand gTrembler Tghe Hyand Tgrembler rhe Haand rrembler rThe Hnd rTrembler Trhe Hnad Trrembler
Hznd Te Hzand Tembler Teh Haznd Termbler Tje Hqnd Tdembler Tjhe Hqand Tdrembler Thje Haqnd Trdembler
Tue Hsnd T4embler Tuhe Hsand T4rembler Thue Hasnd Tr4embler Tne Hwnd Tgembler Tnhe Hwand Thne Hawnd Trgembler
Tbe Hxnd Ttembler Tbhe Hxand Ttrembler Thbe Haxnd Trtembler Tge Hannd T5embler Had Thge Hadn Tr5embler
Tye Hamd Tfembler Hamnd Thye Hanmd Trfembler Thee Hahd Teembler Th Hahnd Terembler The Hanhd Treembler
Ths Hajd Thse Hajnd Trmbler Thes Hanjd Trmebler Th3 Habd Trsmbler Th3e Habnd Trsembler The3 Hanbd Tresmbler
Thf Handd Tr3mbler Thfe Han Tr3embler Thef Hand Tre3mbler Thr Hanx Trfmbler Thre Hanxd Ther Handx Trefmbler
Th4 Hane Trrmbler Th4e Haned The4 Hande Trermbler Thd Hanf Tr4mbler Thde Hanfd Thed Handf Tre4mbler
Thw Hanr Trdmbler Thwe Hanrd Thew Handr Tredmbler Hanc Trwmbler Hancd Trwembler Handc Trewmbler

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