Melting The Golden Calf

Bring us your trinkets
Your baubles of gold
Join the debauchry
The young and the old
Let us bow down
To this great golden calf
Darken our spirits
As we dance and we laugh

The golden calf takes shape;
The idol of black hearts
The whole deed
From the sum of it's parts
From the healer of sorrow
Came a great molten blast
With holy tongue of fire
The commandments were cast

Down from the mountain
With two tablets of stone
His countenance white
Moses walked down alone
Instructed by God
To bring the people his word
Intoxicated by evil
Their judgement obscured
Why should we listen
To this set of his rules?
Deeper in sin
Sinks this assembly of fools

Thou shalt not make graven images
Visiting evil in the land of the dust
Thou shalt not have
Other gods before me
Then - only then
Can you truly be free

Let us bow down to the King of Kings
Melt down this idol and the evil it brings

Mirror lyrics:

Melt down this idol and the evil it brings
Let us bow down to the King of Kings

Can you truly be free
Then - only then
Other gods before me
Thou shalt not have
Visiting evil in the land of the dust
Thou shalt not make graven images

Sinks this assembly of fools
Deeper in sin
To this set of his rules?
Why should we listen
Their judgement obscured
Intoxicated by evil
To bring the people his word
Instructed by God
Moses walked down alone
His countenance white
With two tablets of stone
Down from the mountain

The commandments were cast
With holy tongue of fire
Came a great molten blast
From the healer of sorrow
From the sum of it's parts
The whole deed
The idol of black hearts
The golden calf takes shape;

As we dance and we laugh
Darken our spirits
To this great golden calf
Let us bow down
The young and the old
Join the debauchry
Your baubles of gold
Bring us your trinkets

Relevant Tags:
MMelting TThe GGolden CCalf elting he olden alf eMlting hTe oGlden aClf jelting fhe holden falf jMelting fThe hGolden fCalf Mjelting Tfhe Gholden Cfalf
kelting 5he yolden xalf kMelting 5The yGolden xCalf Mkelting T5he Gyolden Cxalf nelting hhe bolden valf nMelting hThe bGolden vCalf Mnelting Thhe Gbolden Cvalf
Meelting yhe volden dalf Mlting yThe vGolden dCalf Mleting Tyhe Gvolden Cdalf Mslting 6he folden Caalf Mselting 6The fGolden Clf Meslting T6he Gfolden Claf
M3lting ghe tolden Czlf M3elting gThe tGolden Czalf Me3lting Tghe Gtolden Cazlf Mflting rhe Goolden Cqlf Mfelting rThe Glden Cqalf Meflting Trhe Gloden Caqlf
Mrlting Gklden Cslf Mrelting Te Gkolden Csalf Merlting Teh Goklden Caslf M4lting Tje G9lden Cwlf M4elting Tjhe G9olden Cwalf Me4lting Thje Go9lden Cawlf
Mdlting Tue G0lden Cxlf Mdelting Tuhe G0olden Medlting Thue Go0lden Caxlf Mwlting Tne Gllden Callf Mwelting Tnhe Glolden Caf Mewlting Thne Gollden Cafl
Mellting Tbe Gilden Cakf Meting Tbhe Giolden Caklf Metling Thbe Goilden Calkf Mekting Tge Caof Meklting Goden Caolf Melkting Thge Godlen Calof
Meoting Tye Gokden Capf Meolting Caplf Meloting Thye Golkden Calpf Mepting Thee Gooden Calff Meplting Th Cal Melpting The Goloden Calf
Meltting Ths Gopden Calc Meling Thse Goplden Calcf Melitng Thes Golpden Calfc Melfing Th3 Goldden Calr Melfting Th3e Golen Calrf Meltfing The3 Goledn Calfr
Mel5ing Thf Golxen Calg Mel5ting Thfe Golxden Calgf Melt5ing Thef Goldxen Calfg Melhing Thr Goleen Calt Melhting Thre Goleden Caltf Melthing Ther Goldeen Calft
Melying Th4 Golfen Calv Melyting Th4e Golfden Calvf Meltying The4 Goldfen Calfv Mel6ing Thd Golren Cald Mel6ting Thde Golrden Caldf

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