Tyler Hilton
The Letter Song

Well I have been thinking
Which I shouldn't do
'Cause it gets me in trouble
And farther from you

I don't want a sentimental
Short and sweet and confidential

Well my thoughts belong in
A book in a store where
They're silently read
But spoken no more

I didn't give my all
And to be honest with you
I didn't even try

Well I want you back, so bad
I'm gonna change the way I'm acting
I'm gonna change and I'm so glad

I'm gonna write you a letter
So much for the better
And if it goes my way
I'll have you running back to me

Well I'm a natural born forgetter
So much for the better
I can be romantic
I just got to try to be

Well I have been thinking
Again this is bad
It seems that my thinking
Can drive you quite mad

But you can't say there's another word, though
To call this feeling in my heart

I admit I take advice from more romantic minds
But I can proudly reassure you this idea was all mine

I'm gonna write you a letter
So much for the better
And if it goes my way
I'll have you running back to me

Well I'm a natural born forgetter
So much for the better
I can be romantic
I just got to try to be

Well I admit I take advice from more romantic minds
But I can proudly reassure you this idea was all mine

I'm gonna write you a letter
So much for the better
And if it goes my way
I'll have you running back to me

Well I'm a natural born forgetter
So much for the better
I can be romantic
I just got to try to be

I can be romatic
I just gots to try to be

Mirror lyrics:

I just gots to try to be
I can be romatic

I just got to try to be
I can be romantic
So much for the better
Well I'm a natural born forgetter

I'll have you running back to me
And if it goes my way
So much for the better
I'm gonna write you a letter

But I can proudly reassure you this idea was all mine
Well I admit I take advice from more romantic minds

I just got to try to be
I can be romantic
So much for the better
Well I'm a natural born forgetter

I'll have you running back to me
And if it goes my way
So much for the better
I'm gonna write you a letter

But I can proudly reassure you this idea was all mine
I admit I take advice from more romantic minds

To call this feeling in my heart
But you can't say there's another word, though

Can drive you quite mad
It seems that my thinking
Again this is bad
Well I have been thinking

I just got to try to be
I can be romantic
So much for the better
Well I'm a natural born forgetter

I'll have you running back to me
And if it goes my way
So much for the better
I'm gonna write you a letter

I'm gonna change and I'm so glad
I'm gonna change the way I'm acting
Well I want you back, so bad

I didn't even try
And to be honest with you
I didn't give my all

But spoken no more
They're silently read
A book in a store where
Well my thoughts belong in

Short and sweet and confidential
I don't want a sentimental

And farther from you
'Cause it gets me in trouble
Which I shouldn't do
Well I have been thinking

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLetter SSong he etter ong hTe eLtter oSng fhe ketter zong fThe kLetter zSong Tfhe Lketter Szong 5he oetter wong
5The oLetter wSong T5he Loetter Swong hhe petter dong hThe pLetter dSong Thhe Lpetter Sdong yhe Leetter eong yThe Ltter eSong
Tyhe Lteter Seong 6he Lstter xong 6The Lsetter xSong T6he Lestter Sxong ghe L3tter aong gThe L3etter aSong Tghe Le3tter Saong
rhe Lftter Soong rThe Lfetter Sng Trhe Leftter Snog Lrtter Skng Te Lretter Skong Teh Lertter Sokng Tje L4tter S9ng
Tjhe L4etter S9ong Thje Le4tter So9ng Tue Ldtter S0ng Tuhe Ldetter S0ong Thue Ledtter So0ng Tne Lwtter Slng Tnhe Lwetter Slong
Thne Lewtter Solng Tbe Lettter Sing Tbhe Leter Siong Thbe Letter Soing Tge Lefter Sonng Sog Thge Letfter Sogn
Tye Le5ter Somg Le5tter Somng Thye Let5ter Sonmg Thee Lehter Sohg Th Lehtter Sohng The Lethter Sonhg Ths Leyter Sojg
Thse Leytter Sojng Thes Letyter Sonjg Th3 Le6ter Sobg Th3e Le6tter Sobng The3 Let6ter Sonbg Thf Legter Songg Thfe Legtter Son
Thef Letgter Song

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