With The North Wind Here We Go Again

Oh and here we go again
A broken bottle in my hand
And our taxed joints crack and bend
From our backs we rise and stand
Oh and here we go again
Our vision wincing towards the sun
Delerium tremens shake and stand
And we decide this isn't fun
Oh and here we go again
On the sharp edge of a knife
Singing not but only pain
But for some semblance of a life
That they cannot take or tax
For it's all that we can do
The nucleus of all my friends
And I lift my glass to you
Oh and here we go again

Mirror lyrics:

Oh and here we go again
And I lift my glass to you
The nucleus of all my friends
For it's all that we can do
That they cannot take or tax
But for some semblance of a life
Singing not but only pain
On the sharp edge of a knife
Oh and here we go again
And we decide this isn't fun
Delerium tremens shake and stand
Our vision wincing towards the sun
Oh and here we go again
From our backs we rise and stand
And our taxed joints crack and bend
A broken bottle in my hand
Oh and here we go again

Relevant Tags:
WWith TThe NNorth WWind HHere WWe GGo AAgain ith he orth ind ere e o gain iWth hTe oNrth iWnd eHre eW oG gAain aith fhe morth aind jere ae ho zgain
aWith fThe mNorth aWind jHere aWe hGo zAgain Waith Tfhe Nmorth Waind Hjere Wae Gho Azgain 3ith 5he horth 3ind uere 3e yo qgain 3With 5The hNorth 3Wind uHere 3We yGo qAgain
W3ith T5he Nhorth W3ind Huere W3e Gyo Aqgain dith hhe jorth dind nere de bo sgain dWith hThe jNorth dWind nHere dWe bGo sAgain Wdith Thhe Njorth Wdind Hnere Wde Gbo Asgain
eith yhe borth eind bere ee vo wgain eWith yThe bNorth eWind bHere eWe vGo wAgain Weith Tyhe Nborth Weind Hbere Wee Gvo Awgain sith 6he Noorth sind gere se fo xgain
sWith 6The Nrth sWind gHere sWe fGo xAgain Wsith T6he Nroth Wsind Hgere Wse Gfo Axgain 2ith ghe Nkrth 2ind yere 2e to Aggain 2With gThe Nkorth 2Wind yHere 2We tGo Aain
W2ith Tghe Nokrth W2ind Hyere W2e Gto Aagin qith rhe N9rth qind Heere qe Goo Ahain qWith rThe N9orth qWind Hre qWe G Ahgain Wqith Trhe No9rth Wqind Hree Wqe Go Aghain
Wiith N0rth Wiind Hsre Gk Ayain Wth Te N0orth Wnd Hsere W Gko Aygain Wtih Teh No0rth Wnid Hesre We Gok Agyain Wjth Tje Nlrth Wjnd H3re Ws G9 Abain
Wjith Tjhe Nlorth Wjind H3ere G9o Abgain Wijth Thje Nolrth Wijnd He3re Wes Go9 Agbain W9th Tue Nirth W9nd Hfre W3 G0 Avain W9ith Tuhe Niorth W9ind Hfere G0o Avgain
Wi9th Thue Noirth Wi9nd Hefre We3 Go0 Agvain Wlth Tne Norrth Wlnd Hrre Wf Gl Afain Wlith Tnhe Noth Wlind Hrere Wfe Glo Afgain Wilth Thne Notrh Wilnd Herre Wef Gol Agfain
Woth Tbe Nodth Wond H4re Wr Gi Atain Woith Tbhe Nodrth Woind H4ere Wre Gio Atgain Wioth Thbe Nordth Wiond He4re Wer Goi Agtain Wkth Tge No4th Wknd Hdre W4 Agaain
Wkith No4rth Wkind Hdere W4e Agin Wikth Thge Nor4th Wiknd Hedre We4 Agian W8th Tye Nogth W8nd Hwre Wd Agzin W8ith Nogrth W8ind Hwere Agzain
Wi8th Thye Norgth Wi8nd Hewre Wed Agazin Wuth Thee Notth Wund Ww Agqin Wuith Th Notrth Wuind Hee Wwe Agqain Wiuth The Nortth Wiund Heer Wew Agaqin

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