Tori Amos
Sweet Sangria

i know
you know every desperado
and sharp shooter
in the west you say
that i can't see behind
the mask of those who call themselves
the good guys
in this who take and take
"so are you with me or not you say
this time decide"
balmy days sweet sangria
she's been gone
have you seen her
señorita shyly turning away
leaving me our fading flame
yeah you think about that
what you believe in
it matters now to you and me
what you believe in i'm takin' in
i said i'm takin' in
what you believe in
it matters now to you and me
before sundown the mexicans leave san antone
the car will then drop him at the border
the breaking point
i know your people have suffered
time and time again
but what about i ask you now
the innocents on both sides
balmy days so you give me
a no window i ask you,
give me a bloodless road
tell me why does someone have to lose?

Mirror lyrics:

tell me why does someone have to lose?
give me a bloodless road
a no window i ask you,
balmy days so you give me
the innocents on both sides
but what about i ask you now
time and time again
i know your people have suffered
the breaking point
the car will then drop him at the border
before sundown the mexicans leave san antone
it matters now to you and me
what you believe in
i said i'm takin' in
what you believe in i'm takin' in
it matters now to you and me
what you believe in
yeah you think about that
leaving me our fading flame
señorita shyly turning away
have you seen her
she's been gone
balmy days sweet sangria
this time decide"
"so are you with me or not you say
in this who take and take
the good guys
the mask of those who call themselves
that i can't see behind
in the west you say
and sharp shooter
you know every desperado
i know

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Swret Sanhria Swreet Sweret Sanghria Sw4et Sanyria Sw4eet Sanygria Swe4et Sangyria Swdet Sanbria Swedet Sangbria

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