When The Time Comes

So you think it's over
So you think that down's
The only way out
A sad excuse for lovers
With your head held high
And your heart still full of doubt
It's just like you to scorn
The only one who'll mourn
The day he doesn't love you


When the time comes I'll cry
On the day you cut the thread
When my heart tears I'll cry

So you gave up giving
And you sit and smile
When the awkward silence falls
Deny the life you're living
Just a fleeting love
That you only half recall
It's just like you to make
A passion turned to hate
The day he doesn't love you


Still we're here together
Feeling helpless as our heaven turns to hell
The taker and the giver
Washed in anger
When we think how far we fell
It's just like you to take
The step than makes the break
The day he doesn't love you

When the time comes I'll cry
When the time comes I'll cry
When the time comes I'll cry
When the time comes I'll cry

Mirror lyrics:

When the time comes I'll cry
When the time comes I'll cry
When the time comes I'll cry
When the time comes I'll cry

The day he doesn't love you
The step than makes the break
It's just like you to take
When we think how far we fell
Washed in anger
The taker and the giver
Feeling helpless as our heaven turns to hell
Still we're here together


The day he doesn't love you
A passion turned to hate
It's just like you to make
That you only half recall
Just a fleeting love
Deny the life you're living
When the awkward silence falls
And you sit and smile
So you gave up giving

When my heart tears I'll cry
On the day you cut the thread
When the time comes I'll cry


The day he doesn't love you
The only one who'll mourn
It's just like you to scorn
And your heart still full of doubt
With your head held high
A sad excuse for lovers
The only way out
So you think that down's
So you think it's over

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe TTime CComes hen he ime omes hWen hTe iTme oCmes ahen fhe fime fomes aWhen fThe fTime fComes Wahen Tfhe Tfime Cfomes
3hen 5he 5ime xomes 3When 5The 5Time xComes W3hen T5he T5ime Cxomes dhen hhe hime vomes dWhen hThe hTime vComes Wdhen Thhe Thime Cvomes
ehen yhe yime domes eWhen yThe yTime dComes Wehen Tyhe Tyime Cdomes shen 6he 6ime Coomes sWhen 6The 6Time Cmes Wshen T6he T6ime Cmoes
2hen ghe gime Ckmes 2When gThe gTime Ckomes W2hen Tghe Tgime Cokmes qhen rhe rime C9mes qWhen rThe rTime C9omes Wqhen Trhe Trime Co9mes
Whhen Tiime C0mes Wen Te Tme C0omes Wehn Teh Tmie Co0mes Wjen Tje Tjme Clmes Wjhen Tjhe Tjime Clomes Whjen Thje Tijme Colmes
Wuen Tue T9me Cimes Wuhen Tuhe T9ime Ciomes Whuen Thue Ti9me Coimes Wnen Tne Tlme Commes Wnhen Tnhe Tlime Coes Whnen Thne Tilme Coems
Wben Tbe Tome Cojes Wbhen Tbhe Toime Cojmes Whben Thbe Tiome Comjes Wgen Tge Tkme Cokes Wghen Tkime Whgen Thge Tikme Comkes
Wyen Tye T8me Cones

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