Hymn (single Edit)

Give us this day all that you showed me
The power and the glory
Till my kingdom comes.

Give us this day all that you showed me
The power and the glory
Till my kingdom comes.

Give me all the storybook told me
The faith and the glory
Rill my kingdom comes.

And they said that in our time all that's good will fall from grace.
Even saints would turn their face in our time.
And they told us that in our days
Different words said in different ways

Have other meanings from he who says in out time:

Give us this day all that you showed me - . . .
And they said that in our time we would reap from their legacy

We would learn from what they had seen in our time.
And they told us that in our days
We would know what was high on high
We would follow and not defy in our time.
Give us this day all that you showed me - . . .
Faithless in faith
We must behold the things we see

Mirror lyrics:

We must behold the things we see
Faithless in faith
Give us this day all that you showed me - . . .
We would follow and not defy in our time.
We would know what was high on high
And they told us that in our days
We would learn from what they had seen in our time.

And they said that in our time we would reap from their legacy
Give us this day all that you showed me - . . .

Have other meanings from he who says in out time:

Different words said in different ways
And they told us that in our days
Even saints would turn their face in our time.
And they said that in our time all that's good will fall from grace.

Rill my kingdom comes.
The faith and the glory
Give me all the storybook told me

Till my kingdom comes.
The power and the glory
Give us this day all that you showed me

Till my kingdom comes.
The power and the glory
Give us this day all that you showed me

Relevant Tags:
HHymn ((single EEdit) ymn single dit) yHmn s(ingle dEit) jymn (ssingle sdit) jHymn (ingle sEdit) Hjymn (isngle Esdit)
uymn (zingle 3dit) uHymn (zsingle 3Edit) Huymn (szingle E3dit) nymn (wingle fdit) nHymn (wsingle fEdit) Hnymn (swingle Efdit)
bymn (dingle rdit) bHymn (dsingle rEdit) Hbymn (sdingle Erdit) gymn (eingle 4dit) gHymn (esingle 4Edit) Hgymn (seingle E4dit)
yymn (xingle ddit) yHymn (xsingle dEdit) Hyymn (sxingle Eddit) (aingle wdit) Hmn (asingle wEdit) Hmyn (saingle Ewdit)
Hgmn (siingle (sngle Eit) Hygmn (snigle Eidt) Hhmn (sjngle Exit) Hhymn (sjingle Exdit) Hyhmn (sijngle Edxit)
H6mn (s9ngle Eeit) H6ymn (s9ingle Eedit) Hy6mn (si9ngle Edeit) Humn (slngle Efit) (slingle Hyumn (silngle Edfit)
H7mn (songle Erit) H7ymn (soingle Hy7mn (siongle Edrit) Hjmn (skngle Ecit) (skingle Ecdit) Hyjmn (sikngle Edcit)
Htmn (s8ngle Esit) Htymn (s8ingle Hytmn (si8ngle Edsit) Hymmn (sungle Ediit) Hyn (suingle Edt) Hynm (siungle Edti)
Hyjn (sinngle Edjt) (sigle Edjit) Hymjn (signle Edijt) Hykn (simgle Ed9t) Hykmn (simngle Ed9it) Hymkn (sinmgle Edi9t)
Hynn (sihgle Edlt) Hynmn (sihngle Edlit) Hymnn (sinhgle Edilt) (sijgle Edot) Hym Edoit)

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