Union Carbide Productions
Baritone Street

Like to tell a thousand stories
But that would be a thousand lies
So I'll just try to make another statement
Before you break right through the ice
I guess that life has been too easy
Well, that isn't hard to tell
When all you care about is reputation
And you try to live up to somebody else

But don't you think that it's a pity
Well, you know I'm sorry too
That your face is no longer pretty
When truth comes down to someone like you
But don't you know the world's still waiting for you to make a move

Let's not talk about class
Cause that is something to forget
Well, I'm not living in the past
But I tell you I'm not a cigarette
And so you think you've got it made
That's really hard for me to understand
Don't try to solve another problem
Just save it right until the end

But don't you think that it's a pity
Well, you know I'm sorry too
That your face is no longer pretty
When truth comes down to someone like you
Well, I'd really like to see what you can do

Cause something inside
That was always denied
And you couldn't swallow your pride
And now you've got nowhere to hide

I'm not talking about my dreams
And I'm not talking about a different song
Cause there were so many opportunities
And you're the one who's got it wrong
Well maybe I could be your mirror
And maybe I could be a fool
You know it doesn't really matter
Cause I've got no one left to screw

But don't you think that it's a pity
Well, you know I'm sorry too
That faces ain't no longer pretty
When truth comes down to someone like you
When truth comes down to someone like you
Like you

Mirror lyrics:

Like you
When truth comes down to someone like you
When truth comes down to someone like you
That faces ain't no longer pretty
Well, you know I'm sorry too
But don't you think that it's a pity

Cause I've got no one left to screw
You know it doesn't really matter
And maybe I could be a fool
Well maybe I could be your mirror
And you're the one who's got it wrong
Cause there were so many opportunities
And I'm not talking about a different song
I'm not talking about my dreams

And now you've got nowhere to hide
And you couldn't swallow your pride
That was always denied
Cause something inside

Well, I'd really like to see what you can do
When truth comes down to someone like you
That your face is no longer pretty
Well, you know I'm sorry too
But don't you think that it's a pity

Just save it right until the end
Don't try to solve another problem
That's really hard for me to understand
And so you think you've got it made
But I tell you I'm not a cigarette
Well, I'm not living in the past
Cause that is something to forget
Let's not talk about class

But don't you know the world's still waiting for you to make a move
When truth comes down to someone like you
That your face is no longer pretty
Well, you know I'm sorry too
But don't you think that it's a pity

And you try to live up to somebody else
When all you care about is reputation
Well, that isn't hard to tell
I guess that life has been too easy
Before you break right through the ice
So I'll just try to make another statement
But that would be a thousand lies
Like to tell a thousand stories

Relevant Tags:
BBaritone SStreet aritone treet aBritone tSreet varitone ztreet vBaritone zStreet Bvaritone Sztreet garitone wtreet
gBaritone wStreet Bgaritone Swtreet naritone dtreet nBaritone dStreet Bnaritone Sdtreet haritone etreet hBaritone eStreet
Bharitone Setreet Baaritone xtreet Britone xStreet Braitone Sxtreet Bzritone atreet Bzaritone aStreet Bazritone Satreet
Bqritone Sttreet Bqaritone Sreet Baqritone Srteet Bsritone Sfreet Bsaritone Sftreet Basritone Stfreet Bwritone S5reet
Bwaritone S5treet Bawritone St5reet Bxritone Shreet Bxaritone Shtreet Baxritone Sthreet Barritone Syreet Baitone Sytreet
Bairtone Styreet Baditone S6reet Badritone S6treet Barditone St6reet Ba4itone Sgreet Ba4ritone Sgtreet Bar4itone Stgreet
Bagitone Srreet Bagritone Srtreet Bargitone Strreet Batitone Batritone Steet Bartitone Steret Ba5itone Stdeet
Ba5ritone Stdreet Bar5itone Strdeet Bafitone St4eet Bafritone St4reet Barfitone Str4eet Baeitone Stgeet Baeritone
Bareitone Strgeet Bariitone Stteet Bartone Bartione Strteet Barjtone St5eet Barjitone Barijtone Str5eet
Bar9tone Stfeet Bar9itone Bari9tone Strfeet Barltone Steeet Barlitone Stereet Bariltone Streeet Barotone
Baroitone Stret Bariotone Street Barktone Strset Barkitone Strseet Bariktone Streset Bar8tone Str3et Bar8itone Str3eet
Bari8tone Stre3et Barutone Strfet Baruitone Bariutone Strefet

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