Get Off My Cloud

Drain me and degrade me

But keep me within our reach

You love me as you hate me

Never practicing what you preach

Get off my cloud

My life's just fine without you

Get off my cloud

Your world is on the ground

You blow me away

How can you be so stupid

There's no room up here anyway

Judge me then you hang me

Never hearing a word I said

Oblique and confusing

Are the thoughts you put in my head

Get off my cloud

My life's just fine without you

Get off my cloud

Your world is on the ground

You blow me away

How can you be so stupid

There's no room up here anyway

And now you're falling

Back where you belong

Yes you're falling, falling

Back where you belong

Mirror lyrics:

Back where you belong

Yes you're falling, falling

Back where you belong

And now you're falling

There's no room up here anyway

How can you be so stupid

You blow me away

Your world is on the ground

Get off my cloud

My life's just fine without you

Get off my cloud

Are the thoughts you put in my head

Oblique and confusing

Never hearing a word I said

Judge me then you hang me

There's no room up here anyway

How can you be so stupid

You blow me away

Your world is on the ground

Get off my cloud

My life's just fine without you

Get off my cloud

Never practicing what you preach

You love me as you hate me

But keep me within our reach

Drain me and degrade me

Relevant Tags:
GGet OOff MMy CCloud et ff y loud eGt fOf yM lCoud het kff jy floud hGet kOff jMy fCloud Ghet Okff Mjy Cfloud yet 9ff ky xloud
yGet 9Off kMy xCloud Gyet O9ff Mky Cxloud bet 0ff ny vloud bGet 0Off nMy vCloud Gbet O0ff Mny Cvloud vet lff Myy dloud vGet lOff M dCloud
Gvet Olff My Cdloud fet iff Mg Clloud fGet iOff Mgy Coud Gfet Oiff Myg Colud tet Offf Mh Ckoud tGet Of Mhy Ckloud Gtet Off Myh Clkoud
Geet Ocf M6 Cooud Gt Ocff M6y Coloud Gte Ofcf My6 Clooud Gst Orf Mu Cpoud Gset Orff Muy Cploud Gest Ofrf Myu Clpoud G3t Ogf M7
G3et Ogff M7y Clud Ge3t Ofgf My7 Cluod Gft Otf Mj Clkud Otff Geft Oftf Myj Clokud Grt Ovf Mt Cl9ud Gret Ovff Mty Cl9oud
Gert Ofvf Myt Clo9ud G4t Odf Cl0ud G4et Odff Cl0oud Ge4t Ofdf Clo0ud Gdt Cllud Gdet Gedt Clolud
Gwt Ofc Cliud

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