Languish For Bliss

How I wish
That all those gentle words
Would pour out of my lips
How my sincere thoughts
Would tenderly capture
Your yet clear mind

How my strong arms
Would carry you thru
All those dim valleys

Hear me, hear me
Try to stay away
I'm to be your doom

Oh how I wish
I was the one
I used to know

No reason for you to wither
With my wicked hollow soul
Still the memory of what we had
Will always be with me
For your beloved place
No one can ever take

Mirror lyrics:

No one can ever take
For your beloved place
Will always be with me
Still the memory of what we had
With my wicked hollow soul
No reason for you to wither

I used to know
I was the one
Oh how I wish

I'm to be your doom
Try to stay away
Hear me, hear me

All those dim valleys
Would carry you thru
How my strong arms

Your yet clear mind
Would tenderly capture
How my sincere thoughts
Would pour out of my lips
That all those gentle words
How I wish

Relevant Tags:
LLanguish FFor BBliss anguish or liss aLnguish oFr lBiss kanguish cor vliss kLanguish cFor vBliss Lkanguish Fcor Bvliss
oanguish ror gliss oLanguish rFor gBliss Loanguish Fror Bgliss panguish gor nliss pLanguish gFor nBliss Lpanguish Fgor Bnliss
Laanguish tor hliss Lnguish tFor hBliss Lnaguish Ftor Bhliss Lznguish vor Blliss Lzanguish vFor Biss Laznguish Fvor Bilss
Lqnguish dor Bkiss Lqanguish dFor Bkliss Laqnguish Fdor Blkiss Lsnguish Foor Boiss Lsanguish Fr Boliss Lasnguish Fro Bloiss
Lwnguish Fkr Bpiss Lwanguish Fkor Bpliss Lawnguish Fokr Blpiss Lxnguish F9r Bliiss Lxanguish F9or Blss Laxnguish Fo9r Blsis
Lannguish F0r Bljss Laguish F0or Bljiss Lagnuish Fo0r Blijss Lamguish Flr Bl9ss Lamnguish Flor Bl9iss Lanmguish Folr Bli9ss
Lahguish Fir Bllss Lahnguish Fior Lanhguish Foir Blilss Lajguish Forr Bloss Lajnguish Fo Lanjguish For Blioss
Labguish Fod Blkss Labnguish Fodr Lanbguish Ford Blikss Langguish Fo4 Bl8ss Lanuish Fo4r Bl8iss Lanugish For4 Bli8ss
Lanhuish Fog Bluss Fogr Bluiss Langhuish Forg Bliuss Lanyuish Fot Blisss Lanyguish Fotr Blis Langyuish Fort Bliss
Lanbuish Fo5 Blizs Fo5r Blizss Langbuish For5 Bliszs Lanvuish Fof Bliws Lanvguish Fofr Bliwss Langvuish Forf Blisws
Lanfuish Foe Blids Lanfguish Foer Blidss Langfuish Fore Blisds Lantuish Blies Lantguish Bliess Langtuish Blises
Languuish Blixs Langish Blixss Langiush Blisxs Langhish Blias Bliass Languhish Blisas
Lang7ish Lang7uish

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