Tony Vincent
Out Of My Hands

I can't make the snow come down
I cannot make it rain
I can't make the sun go down
Or to rise and burn again

I can't make you love me more
No matter how I try
Your grace alone can justify
That kind of love just mystifies
That kind of love just mystifies

It's out of my hands- though I try so hard
It's out of my hands- when I slip and fall
It's out of my hands- I will rest in you
You know my voice- yours hears my call
It's out of my hands

I can't make the world spin 'round
Or catch a falling star
I can't set the night on fire
And burn away the dark

I can't make you love me more
Can't impress you with my deeds
I can't make you love me less
That kind of love is what i need
That kind of love is what i need

It's out of my hands- though I try so hard
It's out of my hands- when I slip and fall
It's out of my hands- I will rest in you
You know my voice- yours hears my call
It's out of my hands

It's out of my hands- when I have no strength
It's out of my hands- I will look to you
It's out of my hands- you will never fail
Your love's a grip I can't slip through

It's out of my hands- though I try so hard
It's out of my hands- when I slip and fall
It's out of my hands- I will rest in you
You know my voice- yours hears my call
It's out of my hands

It's out of my hands- though I try so hard
It's out of my hands- when I slip and fall
It's out of my hands- I will rest in you
You know my voice- yours hears my call
It's out of my hands

Mirror lyrics:

It's out of my hands
You know my voice- yours hears my call
It's out of my hands- I will rest in you
It's out of my hands- when I slip and fall
It's out of my hands- though I try so hard

It's out of my hands
You know my voice- yours hears my call
It's out of my hands- I will rest in you
It's out of my hands- when I slip and fall
It's out of my hands- though I try so hard

Your love's a grip I can't slip through
It's out of my hands- you will never fail
It's out of my hands- I will look to you
It's out of my hands- when I have no strength

It's out of my hands
You know my voice- yours hears my call
It's out of my hands- I will rest in you
It's out of my hands- when I slip and fall
It's out of my hands- though I try so hard

That kind of love is what i need
That kind of love is what i need
I can't make you love me less
Can't impress you with my deeds
I can't make you love me more

And burn away the dark
I can't set the night on fire
Or catch a falling star
I can't make the world spin 'round

It's out of my hands
You know my voice- yours hears my call
It's out of my hands- I will rest in you
It's out of my hands- when I slip and fall
It's out of my hands- though I try so hard

That kind of love just mystifies
That kind of love just mystifies
Your grace alone can justify
No matter how I try
I can't make you love me more

Or to rise and burn again
I can't make the sun go down
I cannot make it rain
I can't make the snow come down

Relevant Tags:
OOut OOf MMy HHands ut f y ands uOt fO yM aHnds kut kf jy jands kOut kOf jMy jHands Okut Okf Mjy Hjands 9ut 9f ky uands
9Out 9Of kMy uHands O9ut O9f Mky Huands 0ut 0f ny nands 0Out 0Of nMy nHands O0ut O0f Mny Hnands lut lf Myy bands lOut lOf M bHands
Olut Olf My Hbands iut if Mg gands iOut iOf Mgy gHands Oiut Oif Myg Hgands Ouut Off Mh yands Ot O Mhy yHands Otu Of Myh Hyands
Oht Oc M6 Haands Ohut Ocf M6y Hnds Ouht Ofc My6 Hnads O7t Or Mu Hznds O7ut Orf Muy Hzands Ou7t Ofr Myu Haznds Okt Og M7 Hqnds
Ogf M7y Hqands Oukt Ofg My7 Haqnds Oit Ot Mj Hsnds Otf Hsands Ouit Oft Myj Hasnds O8t Ov Mt Hwnds O8ut Ovf Mty Hwands
Ou8t Ofv Myt Hawnds Ojt Od Hxnds Ojut Odf Hxands Oujt Ofd Haxnds Oyt Hannds Oyut Hads Ouyt Hadns
Outt Hamds Ou Hamnds Out Hanmds Ouf Hahds

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