Tony Joe White
Roosevelt And Ira Lee

Ah, this' about two cats, they're sitting' down by
a river in the swimps. (and) They're sittin' there
on a log. This one of 'em is a kind of a big fella
and (the) other'n is a little bit smaller and he's
got a long billed cap. And they' sitting there pondering
on what they' gonna do for the night.
And anything the big-guy says
(to him) the little guy is for; 'cause he digs, and he' ( ), "cool."
So it's called, "Roosevelt & Ira Lee"

The river was dark and muddy,
And the moon was on the rise.
And all of the creatures in the swamp-land
had woke up to feed for the night.

Roosevelt and Ira Lee (huh!) were sittin' there on a log,
and Ira Lee turned to Roosevelt and said,
"I'd sure like to have-a me some BULLFROG(s)."

He said, "Yeah. YEAH! Lord.(!) Sure would taste good!"

So they slipped on their rubber boots,
and walked down to the water's edge.
And right away they knew the night would be a bummer,
'cause Ira Lee stepped on a Water Mocc-sin head.

He said, "uuhOh, -uuOH! LORD! Somebody help me!" (heh-heh-heh.)

Ira Lee turned to Roosevelt
(when he quit his screaming and kickin')
and he said, "Let's forget about the Bullfrog Legs,
and go out and steal some chickens."

Ol' Roosevelt said, like this now,
"Yeah. Yeah! OO-oo-oui! Sure would taste good!
... &Yes it would. (I love my chicken.)"

Oh, the river was dark and muddy&

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, the river was dark and muddy&

... &Yes it would. (I love my chicken.)"
"Yeah. Yeah! OO-oo-oui! Sure would taste good!
Ol' Roosevelt said, like this now,

and go out and steal some chickens."
and he said, "Let's forget about the Bullfrog Legs,
(when he quit his screaming and kickin')
Ira Lee turned to Roosevelt

He said, "uuhOh, -uuOH! LORD! Somebody help me!" (heh-heh-heh.)

'cause Ira Lee stepped on a Water Mocc-sin head.
And right away they knew the night would be a bummer,
and walked down to the water's edge.
So they slipped on their rubber boots,

He said, "Yeah. YEAH! Lord.(!) Sure would taste good!"

"I'd sure like to have-a me some BULLFROG(s)."
and Ira Lee turned to Roosevelt and said,
Roosevelt and Ira Lee (huh!) were sittin' there on a log,

had woke up to feed for the night.
And all of the creatures in the swamp-land
And the moon was on the rise.
The river was dark and muddy,

So it's called, "Roosevelt & Ira Lee"
(to him) the little guy is for; 'cause he digs, and he' ( ), "cool."
And anything the big-guy says
on what they' gonna do for the night.
got a long billed cap. And they' sitting there pondering
and (the) other'n is a little bit smaller and he's
on a log. This one of 'em is a kind of a big fella
a river in the swimps. (and) They're sittin' there
Ah, this' about two cats, they're sitting' down by

Relevant Tags:
RRoosevelt AAnd IIra LLee oosevelt nd ra ee oRosevelt nAd rIa eLe doosevelt znd jra kee dRoosevelt zAnd jIra kLee Rdoosevelt Aznd Ijra Lkee
4oosevelt qnd 9ra oee 4Roosevelt qAnd 9Ira oLee R4oosevelt Aqnd I9ra Loee goosevelt snd lra pee gRoosevelt sAnd lIra pLee Rgoosevelt Asnd Ilra Lpee
toosevelt wnd ora Leee tRoosevelt wAnd oIra Le Rtoosevelt Awnd Iora Lee 5oosevelt xnd kra Lse 5Roosevelt xAnd kIra Lsee R5oosevelt Axnd Ikra Lese
foosevelt Annd 8ra L3e fRoosevelt Ad 8Ira L3ee Rfoosevelt Adn I8ra Le3e eoosevelt Amd ura Lfe eRoosevelt Amnd uIra Lfee Reoosevelt Anmd Iura Lefe
Rooosevelt Ahd Irra Lre Rosevelt Ahnd Ia Lree Roosevelt Anhd Iar Lere Rkosevelt Ajd Ida L4e Rkoosevelt Ajnd Idra L4ee Rokosevelt Anjd Irda Le4e
R9osevelt Abd I4a Lde R9oosevelt Abnd I4ra Ldee Ro9osevelt Anbd Ir4a Lede R0osevelt Andd Iga Lwe R0oosevelt An Igra Lwee Ro0osevelt And Irga Lewe
Rlosevelt Anx Ita Rloosevelt Anxd Itra Rolosevelt Andx Irta Riosevelt Ane I5a Les Rioosevelt Aned I5ra Roiosevelt Ande Ir5a Lees
Anf Ifa Le3 Anfd Ifra Rosoevelt Andf Irfa Lee3 Roksevelt Anr Iea Lef Anrd Iera Rooksevelt Andr Irea Leef
Ro9sevelt Anc Iraa Ler Ancd Ir Roo9sevelt Andc Ira Leer Ro0sevelt Ans Irz Le4 Ansd Irza Roo0sevelt Ands Iraz Lee4
Rolsevelt Irq Led Irqa Roolsevelt Iraq Leed Roisevelt Irs Lew Irsa Rooisevelt Iras Leew
Roossevelt Irw Rooevelt Irwa Rooesvelt Iraw Roozevelt Irx Roozsevelt Irxa Rooszevelt Irax
Roowevelt Roowsevelt Rooswevelt Roodevelt Roodsevelt Roosdevelt
Rooeevelt Rooesevelt Rooseevelt Rooxevelt Rooxsevelt Roosxevelt
Rooaevelt Rooasevelt Roosaevelt Roosvelt

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