Tony Joe White
I've Got A Thing About You Baby

I've got something to tell you, I think that you ought to know
I've had my eyes on you baby since a long time ago
And now I finally got the nerve, and I'm gonna make my move
Now don't you try to turn me off 'cause it's gonna be hard to do

I've got a thing about you baby, ain't nothing I can do
I've got a thing about you baby, thing about loving you

Ain't no two ways about it baby, your love was meant for me
You know I just can't live without it, it fits me to a T
Oh there's something about you baby, can't get you off my mind
I know that I can't live without you, I think about you all the time

I've got a thing about you baby, ain't nothing I can do
I've got a thing about you baby, thing about loving you

Now ain't it just like a woman when she knows that she's got a man
She'll wring you out and turn you about in the palm of her hand
And then she starts to thinking, then maybe she's got you in a bind
She'll give you just a little loving, it will get you every time

I've got a thing about you baby, ain't nothing I can do
I've got a thing about you baby, thing about loving you.

Mirror lyrics:

I've got a thing about you baby, thing about loving you.
I've got a thing about you baby, ain't nothing I can do

She'll give you just a little loving, it will get you every time
And then she starts to thinking, then maybe she's got you in a bind
She'll wring you out and turn you about in the palm of her hand
Now ain't it just like a woman when she knows that she's got a man

I've got a thing about you baby, thing about loving you
I've got a thing about you baby, ain't nothing I can do

I know that I can't live without you, I think about you all the time
Oh there's something about you baby, can't get you off my mind
You know I just can't live without it, it fits me to a T
Ain't no two ways about it baby, your love was meant for me

I've got a thing about you baby, thing about loving you
I've got a thing about you baby, ain't nothing I can do

Now don't you try to turn me off 'cause it's gonna be hard to do
And now I finally got the nerve, and I'm gonna make my move
I've had my eyes on you baby since a long time ago
I've got something to tell you, I think that you ought to know

Relevant Tags:
II've GGot AA TThing AAbout YYou BBaby 've ot hing bout ou aby 'Ive oGt A hTing bAout oYu aBby j've hot z fhing zbout gou vaby jI've hGot zA fThing zAbout gYou vBaby
Ij've Ghot Az Tfhing Azbout Ygou Bvaby 9've yot q 5hing qbout hou gaby 9I've yGot qA 5Thing qAbout hYou gBaby I9've Gyot Aq T5hing Aqbout Yhou Bgaby l've bot s hhing sbout 6ou naby
lI've bGot sA hThing sAbout 6You nBaby Il've Gbot As Thhing Asbout Y6ou Bnaby o've vot w yhing wbout uou haby oI've vGot wA yThing wAbout uYou hBaby Io've Gvot Aw Tyhing Awbout Yuou Bhaby
k've fot x 6hing xbout 7ou Baaby kI've fGot xA 6Thing xAbout 7You Bby Ik've Gfot Ax T6hing Axbout Y7ou Bbay 8've tot ghing Abbout jou Bzby 8I've tGot gThing Aout jYou Bzaby
I8've Gtot Tghing Aobut Yjou Bazby u've Goot rhing Avout tou Bqby uI've Gt rThing Avbout tYou Bqaby Iu've Gto Trhing Abvout Ytou Baqby I''ve Gkt Agout Yoou Bsby
Ive Gkot Ting Agbout Yu Bsaby Iv'e Gokt Tihng Abgout Yuo Basby I'vve G9t Tjing Anout Yku Bwby I'e G9ot Tjhing Anbout Ykou Bwaby I'ev Go9t Thjing Abnout Yoku Bawby
I'be G0t Tuing Ahout Y9u Bxby I'bve G0ot Tuhing Ahbout Y9ou Bxaby I'vbe Go0t Thuing Abhout Yo9u Baxby I'ce Glt Tning Aboout Y0u Babby I'cve Glot Tnhing Abut Y0ou Bay
I'vce Golt Thning Abuot Yo0u Bayb I'ge Git Tbing Abkut Ylu Bavy I'gve Giot Tbhing Abkout Ylou Bavby I'vge Goit Thbing Abokut Yolu Babvy I'fe Gott Tging Ab9ut Yiu Bagy
I'fve Go Ab9out Yiou Bagby I'vfe Got Thging Abo9ut Yoiu Babgy I'vee Gof Tying Ab0ut Youu Bany I'v Goft Ab0out Yo Banby I've Gotf Thying Abo0ut You Babny
I'vs Go5 Thiing Ablut Yoh Bahy I'vse Go5t Thng Ablout Yohu Bahby I'ves Got5 Thnig Abolut Youh Babhy I'v3 Goh Thjng Abiut Yo7 Babyy

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