Tony Banks
The More I Hide It

The more I dream of you
The less you want me to
The more I need to hold you
The less you seem to care

If I knew what I was meant to do
Then I'd be doing it all the time
If I could find the key
I'd keep the doorway open wide

But I will stay with you
Forever if you want me to
As long as there's a heaven
And that's a long long time

To yearn without reward
To plan and hope in vain
It's you that has the power you know
To soothe and end this pain

Another season passes
But the sky is always grey
Autumn leaves and summer breezes
Can't bring on a change

But I will stay with you
Forever if you want me to
As long as there's a heaven
And that's a long long time

The more I hide it the more it shows
The more confused I feel
And on my own alone
Tell me what am I supposed to do?

It's so hard to understand
What means so much to me
What fills my heart with fire
Will only leave you cold

I wonder what you're thinking
As we play the game again
I wonder if you knew my thoughts
You'd still want me to say

That I will stay with you
Forever if you want me to
As long as there's a heaven
And that's a long long time

The more I hide it the more it shows
The more confused I feel
And on my own alone
Tell me what am I supposed to do?

The more I hide it the more it shows...

Mirror lyrics:

The more I hide it the more it shows...

Tell me what am I supposed to do?
And on my own alone
The more confused I feel
The more I hide it the more it shows

And that's a long long time
As long as there's a heaven
Forever if you want me to
That I will stay with you

You'd still want me to say
I wonder if you knew my thoughts
As we play the game again
I wonder what you're thinking

Will only leave you cold
What fills my heart with fire
What means so much to me
It's so hard to understand

Tell me what am I supposed to do?
And on my own alone
The more confused I feel
The more I hide it the more it shows

And that's a long long time
As long as there's a heaven
Forever if you want me to
But I will stay with you

Can't bring on a change
Autumn leaves and summer breezes
But the sky is always grey
Another season passes

To soothe and end this pain
It's you that has the power you know
To plan and hope in vain
To yearn without reward

And that's a long long time
As long as there's a heaven
Forever if you want me to
But I will stay with you

I'd keep the doorway open wide
If I could find the key
Then I'd be doing it all the time
If I knew what I was meant to do

The less you seem to care
The more I need to hold you
The less you want me to
The more I dream of you

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