Tony Bennett
The Best Is Yet To Come

Out of the tree of life I just picked me a plum
You came along and everything started to hum
Still, it's a real good bet, the best is yet to come

The best is yet to come, and babe, won't it be fine
You think you've seen the sun, but you ain't seen it shine
Wait till the warm-up's underway
Wait till our lips have met
Wait till you see that sunshine day
You ain't seen nothin' yet

The best is yet to come, and babe, won't it be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day you're mine

Come the day you're mine
I'm gonna teach you to fly
We've only tasted the wine
We're gonna drain the cup dry

Wait till your charms are right for these arms to surround
You think you've flown before, but you ain't left the ground
Wait till you're locked in my embrace
Wait till I draw you near
Wait till you see that sunshine place
Ain't nothin' like it here

The best is yet to come, and babe, won't it be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day you're mine, ho-ho,
Out of the tree of life I just picked me a plum...(fade)

Mirror lyrics:

Out of the tree of life I just picked me a plum...(fade)
The best is yet to come, come the day you're mine, ho-ho,
The best is yet to come, and babe, won't it be fine

Ain't nothin' like it here
Wait till you see that sunshine place
Wait till I draw you near
Wait till you're locked in my embrace
You think you've flown before, but you ain't left the ground
Wait till your charms are right for these arms to surround

We're gonna drain the cup dry
We've only tasted the wine
I'm gonna teach you to fly
Come the day you're mine

The best is yet to come, come the day you're mine
The best is yet to come, and babe, won't it be fine

You ain't seen nothin' yet
Wait till you see that sunshine day
Wait till our lips have met
Wait till the warm-up's underway
You think you've seen the sun, but you ain't seen it shine
The best is yet to come, and babe, won't it be fine

Still, it's a real good bet, the best is yet to come
You came along and everything started to hum
Out of the tree of life I just picked me a plum

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBest IIs YYet TTo CCome he est s et o ome hTe eBst sI eYt oT oCme fhe vest js get fo fome fThe vBest jIs gYet fTo fCome Tfhe Bvest Ijs Yget Tfo Cfome
5he gest 9s het 5o xome 5The gBest 9Is hYet 5To xCome T5he Bgest I9s Yhet T5o Cxome hhe nest ls 6et ho vome hThe nBest lIs 6Yet hTo vCome Thhe Bnest Ils Y6et Tho Cvome
yhe hest os uet yo dome yThe hBest oIs uYet yTo dCome Tyhe Bhest Ios Yuet Tyo Cdome 6he Beest ks 7et 6o Coome 6The Bst kIs 7Yet 6To Cme T6he Bset Iks Y7et T6o Cmoe
ghe Bsst 8s jet go Ckme gThe Bsest 8Is jYet gTo Ckome Tghe Besst I8s Yjet Tgo Cokme rhe B3st us tet ro C9me rThe B3est uIs tYet rTo C9ome Trhe Be3st Ius Ytet Tro Co9me
Bfst Iss Yeet Too C0me Te Bfest I Yt T C0ome Teh Befst Is Yte To Co0me Tje Brst Iz Yst Tk Clme Tjhe Brest Izs Yset Tko Clome Thje Berst Isz Yest Tok Colme
Tue B4st Iw Y3t T9 Cime Tuhe B4est Iws Y3et T9o Ciome Thue Be4st Isw Ye3t To9 Coime Tne Bdst Id Yft T0 Comme Tnhe Bdest Ids Yfet T0o Coe Thne Bedst Isd Yeft To0 Coem
Tbe Bwst Ie Yrt Tl Coje Tbhe Bwest Ies Yret Tlo Cojme Thbe Bewst Ise Yert Tol Comje Tge Ix Y4t Ti Coke

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