You Gonna Break My Heart

Free as the breeze
You do as you please
And it's driving me crazy
But no, I don't mind
Somehow you're my kind
You intrigue and amaze me
I should turn around
Walk out right now
But I guess I'll stay
'Cause there's something about you
I just can't say no to
But - that's okay
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart again
What is it that you've got
Oh I can't get enough
Come on - break my heart again
Last time I saw you
You swore that you loved me
And you'd never leave
And now here you are
Saying you will
Make it up to me
Oh what should I do
Call me a fool
Either way I go

Yeah I'm out of my mind
But that's all right
I want you so
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart again
What is it that you've got
Oh I can't get enough
Come on - break my heart again
Break my heart - in the morning
Break my heart - in the night time
Break my heart - any time you want
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart again
What is it that you've got
Oh no, I can't get enough
Come on - break my heart again
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart again
What is it that you've got
Oh no, I can't get enough
Come on - break my heart again

Mirror lyrics:

Come on - break my heart again
Oh no, I can't get enough
What is it that you've got
You gonna break my heart again
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
Come on - break my heart again
Oh no, I can't get enough
What is it that you've got
You gonna break my heart again
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
Break my heart - any time you want
Break my heart - in the night time
Break my heart - in the morning
Come on - break my heart again
Oh I can't get enough
What is it that you've got
You gonna break my heart again
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
I want you so
But that's all right
Yeah I'm out of my mind

Either way I go
Call me a fool
Oh what should I do
Make it up to me
Saying you will
And now here you are
And you'd never leave
You swore that you loved me
Last time I saw you
Come on - break my heart again
Oh I can't get enough
What is it that you've got
You gonna break my heart again
You gonna break my heart
You gonna break my heart
But - that's okay
I just can't say no to
'Cause there's something about you
But I guess I'll stay
Walk out right now
I should turn around
You intrigue and amaze me
Somehow you're my kind
But no, I don't mind
And it's driving me crazy
You do as you please
Free as the breeze

Relevant Tags:
YYou GGonna BBreak MMy HHeart ou onna reak y eart oYu oGnna rBeak yM eHart gou honna vreak jy jeart gYou hGonna vBreak jMy jHeart Ygou Ghonna Bvreak Mjy Hjeart
hou yonna greak ky ueart hYou yGonna gBreak kMy uHeart Yhou Gyonna Bgreak Mky Hueart 6ou bonna nreak ny neart 6You bGonna nBreak nMy nHeart Y6ou Gbonna Bnreak Mny Hneart
uou vonna hreak Myy beart uYou vGonna hBreak M bHeart Yuou Gvonna Bhreak My Hbeart 7ou fonna Brreak Mg geart 7You fGonna Beak Mgy gHeart Y7ou Gfonna Berak Myg Hgeart
jou tonna Bdeak Mh yeart jYou tGonna Bdreak Mhy yHeart Yjou Gtonna Brdeak Myh Hyeart tou Goonna B4eak M6 Heeart tYou Gnna B4reak M6y Hart Ytou Gnona Br4eak My6 Haert
Yoou Gknna Bgeak Mu Hsart Yu Gkonna Muy Hseart Yuo Goknna Brgeak Myu Hesart Yku G9nna Bteak M7 H3art Ykou G9onna Btreak M7y H3eart Yoku Go9nna Brteak My7 He3art
Y9u G0nna B5eak Mj Hfart Y9ou G0onna B5reak Hfeart Yo9u Go0nna Br5eak Myj Hefart Y0u Glnna Bfeak Mt Hrart Y0ou Glonna Bfreak Mty Hreart Yo0u Golnna Brfeak Myt Herart
Ylu Ginna Beeak H4art Ylou Gionna Bereak H4eart Yolu Goinna Breeak He4art Yiu Gonnna Hdart Yiou Gona Brak Hdeart Yoiu Gonna Braek Hedart
Youu Gomna Brsak Hwart Yo Gomnna Brseak Hweart You Gonmna Bresak Hewart Yoh Gohna Br3ak Heaart Yohu Gohnna Br3eak Hert Youh Gonhna Bre3ak Herat
Yo7 Gojna Brfak Hezrt Yo7u Gojnna Hezart You7 Gonjna Brefak Heazrt Yok Gobna Brrak Heqrt

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