With The Wave Of Your Hand

I have been waiting here
Feels like a million years
Sometimes I disappear
Into the blue
Lost in the city lights
I can stay out all night
But it's such a lonely life
And nothing, nothing seems right
But with the wave of your hand
Everything changes
With the wave of your hand
I feel your magic on me
And I have the spark
And I have desire
And I'm drawn to the fire
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
I'll never know what you'll find
Whenever you read my mind
It's just like I'm hypnotized
And then I come alive
You put a spell on me
That's right where I wanna be
And there's no mystery
Because I believe
With the wave of your hand

Everything changes
With the wave of your hand
I feel your magic on me
And I have the spark of love
And I have desire
And I'm drawn to the fire
With the wave of your hand
And I have the spark of love
And I have desire
And I'm drawn to the fire
With the wave of your hand
Everything changes
With the wave of your hand
I feel your magic on me
And I have the spark of love
Yeah I have desire
And I'm drawn to the fire
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand

Mirror lyrics:

With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
And I'm drawn to the fire
Yeah I have desire
And I have the spark of love
I feel your magic on me
With the wave of your hand
Everything changes
With the wave of your hand
And I'm drawn to the fire
And I have desire
And I have the spark of love
With the wave of your hand
And I'm drawn to the fire
And I have desire
And I have the spark of love
I feel your magic on me
With the wave of your hand
Everything changes

With the wave of your hand
Because I believe
And there's no mystery
That's right where I wanna be
You put a spell on me
And then I come alive
It's just like I'm hypnotized
Whenever you read my mind
I'll never know what you'll find
With the wave of your hand
With the wave of your hand
And I'm drawn to the fire
And I have desire
And I have the spark
I feel your magic on me
With the wave of your hand
Everything changes
But with the wave of your hand
And nothing, nothing seems right
But it's such a lonely life
I can stay out all night
Lost in the city lights
Into the blue
Sometimes I disappear
Feels like a million years
I have been waiting here

Relevant Tags:
WWith TThe WWave OOf YYour HHand ith he ave f our and iWth hTe aWve fO oYur aHnd aith fhe aave kf gour jand aWith fThe aWave kOf gYour jHand
Waith Tfhe Waave Okf Ygour Hjand 3ith 5he 3ave 9f hour uand 3With 5The 3Wave 9Of hYour uHand W3ith T5he W3ave O9f Yhour Huand dith hhe dave 0f 6our nand
dWith hThe dWave 0Of 6Your nHand Wdith Thhe Wdave O0f Y6our Hnand eith yhe eave lf uour band eWith yThe eWave lOf uYour bHand Weith Tyhe Weave Olf Yuour Hband
sith 6he save if 7our gand sWith 6The sWave iOf 7Your gHand Wsith T6he Wsave Oif Y7our Hgand 2ith ghe 2ave Off jour yand 2With gThe 2Wave O jYour yHand
W2ith Tghe W2ave Of Yjour Hyand qith rhe qave Oc tour Haand qWith rThe qWave Ocf tYour Hnd Wqith Trhe Wqave Ofc Ytour Hnad Wiith Or Yoour Hznd
Wth Te Wve Orf Yur Hzand Wtih Teh Wvae Ofr Yuor Haznd Wjth Tje Wzve Og Ykur Hqnd Wjith Tjhe Wzave Ogf Ykour Hqand Wijth Thje Wazve Ofg Yokur Haqnd
W9th Tue Wqve Ot Y9ur Hsnd W9ith Tuhe Otf Y9our Hsand Wi9th Thue Waqve Oft Yo9ur Hasnd Wlth Tne Wsve Ov Y0ur Hwnd Wlith Tnhe Ovf Y0our Hwand
Wilth Thne Wasve Ofv Yo0ur Hawnd Woth Tbe Wwve Od Ylur Hxnd Woith Tbhe Wwave Odf Ylour Hxand Wioth Thbe Wawve Ofd Yolur Haxnd Wkth Tge Wxve Yiur Hannd
Wkith Wxave Yiour Had Wikth Thge Waxve Yoiur Hadn W8th Tye Wavve Youur Hamd W8ith Wae Yor Hamnd Wi8th Thye Waev Yoru Hanmd

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