Light In The Window

Lonely souls lost out on the highway
Waited all night long but no-one's going my way
And you know... it's a long way home
Here I go... barely holdin' on
I wish I knew all the reasons why
My life just seems to pass me by

Keep a light on in the window
Say a prayer for me my friend
Keep a light on in the window
Don't give up on me cause I'll be back again

One more night lying here without you
Such a lonely fight, I don't know how to get through
I have dreamed of a perfect world
But down here it just keeps on hurtin'

Where can I turn to I wish I knew
Is it too much of me to ask of you

Keep a light on in the window

Say a prayer for me my love
Keep a light on in the window
Don't give up on me cause you're the only one

It's hard to get back once you've been there
Oh heaven knows how hard I've tried
It's hard forgettin' what you witness
Once you've seen the other side
So hard to forget
Keep a light on in the window
Say a prayer for me my friend
Keep a light on in the window
Don't give up on me - don't give up
Keep a light on in the window
Say a prayer for me my friend
Keep a light on in the window
Keep your faith in me until we meet again

Mirror lyrics:

Keep your faith in me until we meet again
Keep a light on in the window
Say a prayer for me my friend
Keep a light on in the window
Don't give up on me - don't give up
Keep a light on in the window
Say a prayer for me my friend
Keep a light on in the window
So hard to forget
Once you've seen the other side
It's hard forgettin' what you witness
Oh heaven knows how hard I've tried
It's hard to get back once you've been there

Don't give up on me cause you're the only one
Keep a light on in the window
Say a prayer for me my love

Keep a light on in the window

Is it too much of me to ask of you
Where can I turn to I wish I knew

But down here it just keeps on hurtin'
I have dreamed of a perfect world
Such a lonely fight, I don't know how to get through
One more night lying here without you

Don't give up on me cause I'll be back again
Keep a light on in the window
Say a prayer for me my friend
Keep a light on in the window

My life just seems to pass me by
I wish I knew all the reasons why
Here I go... barely holdin' on
And you know... it's a long way home
Waited all night long but no-one's going my way
Lonely souls lost out on the highway

Relevant Tags:
LLight IIn TThe WWindow ight n he indow iLght nI hTe iWndow kight jn fhe aindow kLight jIn fThe aWindow Lkight Ijn Tfhe Waindow
oight 9n 5he 3indow oLight 9In 5The 3Window Loight I9n T5he W3indow pight ln hhe dindow pLight lIn hThe dWindow Lpight Iln Thhe Wdindow
Liight on yhe eindow Lght oIn yThe eWindow Lgiht Ion Tyhe Weindow Ljght kn 6he sindow Ljight kIn 6The sWindow Lijght Ikn T6he Wsindow
L9ght 8n ghe 2indow L9ight 8In gThe 2Window Li9ght I8n Tghe W2indow Llght un rhe qindow Llight uIn rThe qWindow Lilght Iun Trhe Wqindow
Loght Inn Wiindow I Te Wndow Lioght In Teh Wnidow Lkght Im Tje Wjndow Imn Tjhe Wjindow Likght Inm Thje Wijndow
L8ght Ih Tue W9ndow L8ight Ihn Tuhe W9indow Li8ght Inh Thue Wi9ndow Lught Ij Tne Wlndow Luight Tnhe Wlindow Liught Inj Thne Wilndow
Ligght Ib Tbe Wondow Liht Ibn Tbhe Woindow Lihgt Inb Thbe Wiondow Lihht Tge Wkndow Lihght Wkindow Lighht Thge Wikndow
Liyht Tye W8ndow Liyght W8indow Ligyht Thye Wi8ndow Libht Thee Wundow Libght Th Wuindow Ligbht The Wiundow
Livht Ths Winndow Livght Thse Widow Ligvht Thes Widnow Lifht Th3 Wimdow Lifght Th3e Wimndow Ligfht The3 Winmdow
Litht Thf Wihdow Litght Thfe Wihndow Ligtht Thef Winhdow Thr Wijdow Ligt Thre Ligth Ther Winjdow
Ligjt Th4 Wibdow Ligjht Th4e Wibndow Lighjt The4 Winbdow

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