Dolly Parton
We Had All The Good Things Going

(Marvin Shiner - Jerry Monday)

It wasn't very long ago we had a love few people know
And everything was going oh so fine
I trusted you, you trusted me the way that it's supposed to be
But love slipped from us somewhere down the line.

We had all of the good things going baby
You know we did, everything was fine
Enjoying the taste of the good life
We all look for but few can find.

--- Instrumental ---

It's gone but we can't understand how luck could slip right through our hands
All down the line things seemed so very right
The love we shared through all these years we both knew that we were sincere
Then suddenly it left just overnight.

We had all of the good things going baby
You know we did, everything was fine
Enjoying the taste of the good life
We all look for but few can find.

--- Instrumental ---

Now that we've gone our separate ways I still recall those brighter days
Days that didn't seem so very long
Neither of us ought to blame we overly know that it's a shame
And all that we had going now is gone.

We had all of the good things going baby
You know we did, everything was fine
Enjoying the taste of the good life
We all look for but few can find...

Mirror lyrics:

We all look for but few can find...
Enjoying the taste of the good life
You know we did, everything was fine
We had all of the good things going baby

And all that we had going now is gone.
Neither of us ought to blame we overly know that it's a shame
Days that didn't seem so very long
Now that we've gone our separate ways I still recall those brighter days

--- Instrumental ---

We all look for but few can find.
Enjoying the taste of the good life
You know we did, everything was fine
We had all of the good things going baby

Then suddenly it left just overnight.
The love we shared through all these years we both knew that we were sincere
All down the line things seemed so very right
It's gone but we can't understand how luck could slip right through our hands

--- Instrumental ---

We all look for but few can find.
Enjoying the taste of the good life
You know we did, everything was fine
We had all of the good things going baby

But love slipped from us somewhere down the line.
I trusted you, you trusted me the way that it's supposed to be
And everything was going oh so fine
It wasn't very long ago we had a love few people know

(Marvin Shiner - Jerry Monday)

Relevant Tags:
WWe HHad AAll TThe GGood TThings GGoing e ad ll he ood hings oing eW aHd lAl hTe oGod hTings oGing ae jad zll fhe hood fhings hoing aWe jHad zAll fThe hGood fThings hGoing
Wae Hjad Azll Tfhe Ghood Tfhings Ghoing 3e uad qll 5he yood 5hings yoing 3We uHad qAll 5The yGood 5Things yGoing W3e Huad Aqll T5he Gyood T5hings Gyoing de nad sll hhe bood hhings boing
dWe nHad sAll hThe bGood hThings bGoing Wde Hnad Asll Thhe Gbood Thhings Gboing ee bad wll yhe vood yhings voing eWe bHad wAll yThe vGood yThings vGoing Wee Hbad Awll Tyhe Gvood Tyhings Gvoing
se gad xll 6he food 6hings foing sWe gHad xAll 6The fGood 6Things fGoing Wse Hgad Axll T6he Gfood T6hings Gfoing 2e yad Alll ghe tood ghings toing 2We yHad Al gThe tGood gThings tGoing
W2e Hyad All Tghe Gtood Tghings Gtoing qe Haad Akl rhe Goood rhings Gooing qWe Hd Akll rThe God rThings Ging Wqe Hda Alkl Trhe Good Trhings Giong Hzd Aol Gkod Gking
W Hzad Aoll Te Gkood Tings Gkoing We Hazd Alol Teh Gokod Tihngs Goking Ws Hqd Apl Tje G9od Tjings G9ing Hqad Apll Tjhe G9ood Tjhings G9oing Wes Haqd Alpl Thje Go9od Thjings Go9ing
W3 Hsd Tue G0od Tuings G0ing Hsad Tuhe G0ood Tuhings G0oing We3 Hasd Thue Go0od Thuings Go0ing Wf Hwd Alk Tne Glod Tnings Gling Wfe Hwad Tnhe Glood Tnhings Gloing
Wef Hawd Allk Thne Golod Thnings Goling Wr Hxd Alo Tbe Giod Tbings Giing Wre Hxad Tbhe Giood Tbhings Gioing Wer Haxd Allo Thbe Goiod Thbings Goiing W4 Hadd Alp Tge Tgings
W4e Ha Gong We4 Had Allp Thge Godo Thgings Gonig Wd Hax Tye Gokd Tyings Gojng Gojing Wed Hadx Thye Gookd Thyings Goijng
Ww Hae Thee Go9d Thiings Go9ng Wwe Haed Th Thngs Wew Hade The Goo9d Thnigs Goi9ng Haf Ths Go0d Thjngs Golng Hafd Thse
Hadf Thes Goo0d Thijngs Goilng Har Th3 Gold Th9ngs Goong Hard Th3e Th9ings Hadr The3 Goold Thi9ngs Goiong Hac Thf Goid Thlngs Gokng
Hacd Thfe Thlings Hadc Thef Gooid Thilngs Goikng Has Thr Goodd Thongs Go8ng Thre Goo Thoings Go8ing

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