Dolly Parton
Seven Bridges Road

(Steve Young)

There are stars in the southern sky
Southward as you go
There is moonlight and moss in the trees
Down the seven bridges road.

I have loved you like a baby
Like some lonesome child
I have loved you in a tame way
And I have loved you wild.

Sometimes there is a part of me
Has to turn from here and go
Runnin' like a child from these warm stars
Down the seven bridges road.

--- Instrumental ---

There are stars in the southern sky
And if ever you decide you should go
There is a taste of time sweet as honey
Down the seven bridges road.

There are stars in the southern sky
Southward as you go
There is moonlight and moss in the trees
Down the seven bridges road.

Down the seven bridges road...

Mirror lyrics:

Down the seven bridges road...

Down the seven bridges road.
There is moonlight and moss in the trees
Southward as you go
There are stars in the southern sky

Down the seven bridges road.
There is a taste of time sweet as honey
And if ever you decide you should go
There are stars in the southern sky

--- Instrumental ---

Down the seven bridges road.
Runnin' like a child from these warm stars
Has to turn from here and go
Sometimes there is a part of me

And I have loved you wild.
I have loved you in a tame way
Like some lonesome child
I have loved you like a baby

Down the seven bridges road.
There is moonlight and moss in the trees
Southward as you go
There are stars in the southern sky

(Steve Young)

Relevant Tags:
SSeven BBridges RRoad even ridges oad eSven rBidges oRad zeven vridges doad zSeven vBridges dRoad Szeven Bvridges Rdoad
weven gridges 4oad wSeven gBridges 4Road Sweven Bgridges R4oad deven nridges goad dSeven nBridges gRoad Sdeven Bnridges Rgoad
eeven hridges toad eSeven hBridges tRoad Seeven Bhridges Rtoad xeven Brridges 5oad xSeven Bidges 5Road Sxeven Birdges R5oad
aeven Bdidges foad aSeven Bdridges fRoad Saeven Brdidges Rfoad B4idges eoad Sven B4ridges eRoad Sveen Br4idges Reoad
Ssven Bgidges Rooad Sseven Rad Sesven Brgidges Raod S3ven Btidges Rkad S3even Btridges Rkoad Se3ven Brtidges Rokad
Sfven B5idges R9ad Sfeven B5ridges R9oad Sefven Br5idges Ro9ad Srven Bfidges R0ad Sreven Bfridges R0oad Serven Brfidges Ro0ad
S4ven Beidges Rlad S4even Beridges Rload Se4ven Breidges Rolad Sdven Briidges Riad Brdges Rioad Sedven Brdiges Roiad
Swven Brjdges Roaad Brjidges Rod Sewven Brijdges Roda Sevven Br9dges Rozd Seen Br9idges Rozad Seevn Bri9dges Roazd
Seben Brldges Roqd Sebven Brlidges Roqad Sevben Brildges Roaqd Secen Brodges Rosd Secven Broidges Rosad Sevcen Briodges Roasd
Segen Brkdges Rowd Segven Brkidges Rowad Sevgen Brikdges Roawd Sefen Br8dges Roxd Br8idges Roxad Sevfen Bri8dges Roaxd
Seveen Brudges Roadd Sevn Bruidges Roa Sevne Briudges Road Sevsn Briddges Roax Sevsen Briges Sevesn Brigdes Roadx
Sev3n Brixges Roae Sev3en Brixdges Roaed Seve3n Bridxges Roade Sevfn Brieges Roaf Briedges Roafd Sevefn Brideges Roadf

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