Dolly Parton
My Hands Are Tied

(Dolly Parton)

To be with you is what I want more than anything
But I must share my life with the one who wears my ring
And there are tiny places I look into each night
I love you but my hands are tied.

I know how much they need you and dear I understand
I know you'll never leave them cause you're not that kind of man
But I can't control my feelings though heaven knows I tried
And I love you but my hands are tied.

My hands are tied and I can't break the ties that bind
I love you more than life but you never will be mine
I know how much you want me I can see it in your eyes
And I love you but my hands are tied.

--- Instrumental ---

My hands are tied and I can't break the ties that bind...
I love you more than life but you never will be mine
I know how much you want me I can see it in your eyes
And I love you but my hands are tied.

Yes, I love you but my hands are tied...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, I love you but my hands are tied...

And I love you but my hands are tied.
I know how much you want me I can see it in your eyes
I love you more than life but you never will be mine
My hands are tied and I can't break the ties that bind...

--- Instrumental ---

And I love you but my hands are tied.
I know how much you want me I can see it in your eyes
I love you more than life but you never will be mine
My hands are tied and I can't break the ties that bind

And I love you but my hands are tied.
But I can't control my feelings though heaven knows I tried
I know you'll never leave them cause you're not that kind of man
I know how much they need you and dear I understand

I love you but my hands are tied.
And there are tiny places I look into each night
But I must share my life with the one who wears my ring
To be with you is what I want more than anything

(Dolly Parton)

Relevant Tags:
MMy HHands AAre TTied y ands re ied yM aHnds rAe iTed jy jands zre fied jMy jHands zAre fTied Mjy Hjands Azre Tfied
ky uands qre 5ied kMy uHands qAre 5Tied Mky Huands Aqre T5ied ny nands sre hied nMy nHands sAre hTied Mny Hnands Asre Thied
Myy bands wre yied M bHands wAre yTied My Hbands Awre Tyied Mg gands xre 6ied Mgy gHands xAre 6Tied Myg Hgands Axre T6ied
Mh yands Arre gied Mhy yHands Ae gTied Myh Hyands Aer Tgied M6 Haands Ade ried M6y Hnds Adre rTied My6 Hnads Arde Tried
Mu Hznds A4e Tiied Muy Hzands A4re Ted Myu Haznds Ar4e Teid M7 Hqnds Age Tjed M7y Hqands Agre Tjied My7 Haqnds Arge Tijed
Mj Hsnds Ate T9ed Hsands Atre T9ied Myj Hasnds Arte Ti9ed Mt Hwnds A5e Tled Mty Hwands A5re Tlied Myt Hawnds Ar5e Tiled
Hxnds Afe Toed Hxands Afre Toied Haxnds Arfe Tioed Hannds Aee Tked Hads Aere Tkied Hadns Aree Tiked
Hamds T8ed Hamnds Ar T8ied Hanmds Are Ti8ed Hahds Ars Tued

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