Dottie West
Wish I Didn't Love You Anymore

(Dottie West)

Wish I could stop these tears
I wish I didn't care
Wish I didn't love you anymore
Wish I could be set free
From all your memories
Wish I didn't love you anymore.

But if wishing really made it so
I'd have the different wish I know
I'd wish you still love me just like you did before
But that wish can't come true
So all that I can do is wish
I didn't love you anymore.

Wish I could just forget that we had ever met
Wish I didn't love you anymore.

How I wish I didn't love you anymore...

Mirror lyrics:

How I wish I didn't love you anymore...

Wish I didn't love you anymore.
Wish I could just forget that we had ever met

I didn't love you anymore.
So all that I can do is wish
But that wish can't come true
I'd wish you still love me just like you did before
I'd have the different wish I know
But if wishing really made it so

Wish I didn't love you anymore.
From all your memories
Wish I could be set free
Wish I didn't love you anymore
I wish I didn't care
Wish I could stop these tears

(Dottie West)

Relevant Tags:
WWish II DDidn't LLove YYou AAnymore ish idn't ove ou nymore iWsh I iDdn't oLve oYu nAymore aish j xidn't kove gou znymore aWish jI xDidn't kLove gYou zAnymore
Waish Ij Dxidn't Lkove Ygou Aznymore 3ish 9 eidn't oove hou qnymore 3Wish 9I eDidn't oLove hYou qAnymore W3ish I9 Deidn't Loove Yhou Aqnymore dish l fidn't pove 6ou snymore
dWish lI fDidn't pLove 6You sAnymore Wdish Il Dfidn't Lpove Y6ou Asnymore eish o ridn't uou wnymore eWish oI rDidn't Lve uYou wAnymore Weish Io Dridn't Lvoe Yuou Awnymore
sish k cidn't Lkve 7ou xnymore sWish kI cDidn't 7You xAnymore Wsish Ik Dcidn't Lokve Y7ou Axnymore 2ish 8 sidn't L9ve jou Annymore 2Wish 8I sDidn't L9ove jYou Aymore
W2ish I8 Dsidn't Lo9ve Yjou Aynmore qish u Diidn't L0ve tou Amymore qWish uI Ddn't L0ove tYou Amnymore Wqish Iu Ddin't Lo0ve Ytou Anmymore Wiish Djdn't Llve Yoou Ahymore
Wsh Djidn't Llove Yu Ahnymore Wsih Dijdn't Lolve Yuo Anhymore Wjsh D9dn't Live Yku Ajymore Wjish D9idn't Liove Ykou Ajnymore Wijsh Di9dn't Loive Yoku Anjymore
W9sh Dldn't Lovve Y9u Abymore W9ish Dlidn't Loe Y9ou Abnymore Wi9sh Dildn't Loev Yo9u Anbymore Wlsh Dodn't Lobe Y0u Anyymore Wlish Doidn't Lobve Y0ou Anmore
Wilsh Diodn't Lovbe Yo0u Anmyore Wosh Dkdn't Loce Ylu Angmore Woish Dkidn't Locve Ylou Angymore Wiosh Dikdn't Lovce Yolu Anygmore Wksh D8dn't Loge Yiu Anhmore
Wkish D8idn't Logve Yiou Wiksh Di8dn't Lovge Yoiu Anyhmore W8sh Dudn't Lofe Youu An6more W8ish Duidn't Lofve Yo An6ymore Wi8sh Diudn't Lovfe You Any6more
Wush Diddn't Lovee Yoh Anumore Wuish Din't Lov Yohu Anuymore Wiush Dind't Love Youh Anyumore Wissh Dixn't Lovs Yo7 An7more Wih Dixdn't Lovse Yo7u An7ymore
Wihs Didxn't Loves You7 Any7more Wizh Dien't Lov3 Yok Anjmore Wizsh Diedn't Lov3e Wiszh Diden't Love3 Youk Anyjmore Wiwh Difn't Lovf Yoi Antmore
Wiwsh Difdn't Antymore Wiswh Didfn't Lovef Youi Anytmore Widh Dirn't Lovr Yo8 Anymmore Widsh Dirdn't Lovre Yo8u Anyore Wisdh Didrn't Lover You8 Anyomre
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