Dottie West
You Didn't Stop To Say Hello

(Alex Zanetis)

It's a middle of the night
What's on your mind I'd like to know
Your coming here just isn't right
You didn't stop to say hello.

Is she walking out on you
Or did you choose to let her go
There must be something on your mind
You didn't stop to say hello.

Well, come on in close the door
Don't stand there trembling in the cold
You'll have the neighbors talking more
I'd better turn the lights down low.

And go ahead and shed a tear
Don't be afraid to let it show
You know I'll always landed near
You didn't stop to say hello.

What's a matter can't you see
For you haven't said one single word
You look so tired and so weak
Things must be worse than what I've heard.

Oh, I guess it's useless to pretend
Because you know I love you so
You know you're welcome back again
I'm glad you stopped to say hello...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm glad you stopped to say hello...
You know you're welcome back again
Because you know I love you so
Oh, I guess it's useless to pretend

Things must be worse than what I've heard.
You look so tired and so weak
For you haven't said one single word
What's a matter can't you see

You didn't stop to say hello.
You know I'll always landed near
Don't be afraid to let it show
And go ahead and shed a tear

I'd better turn the lights down low.
You'll have the neighbors talking more
Don't stand there trembling in the cold
Well, come on in close the door

You didn't stop to say hello.
There must be something on your mind
Or did you choose to let her go
Is she walking out on you

You didn't stop to say hello.
Your coming here just isn't right
What's on your mind I'd like to know
It's a middle of the night

(Alex Zanetis)

Relevant Tags:
YYou DDidn't SStop TTo SSay HHello ou idn't top o ay ello oYu iDdn't tSop oT aSy eHllo gou xidn't ztop fo zay jello gYou xDidn't zStop fTo zSay jHello
Ygou Dxidn't Sztop Tfo Szay Hjello hou eidn't wtop 5o way uello hYou eDidn't wStop 5To wSay uHello Yhou Deidn't Swtop T5o Sway Huello 6ou fidn't dtop ho day nello
6You fDidn't dStop hTo dSay nHello Y6ou Dfidn't Sdtop Tho Sday Hnello uou ridn't etop yo eay bello uYou rDidn't eStop yTo eSay bHello Yuou Dridn't Setop Tyo Seay Hbello
7ou cidn't xtop 6o xay gello 7You cDidn't xStop 6To xSay gHello Y7ou Dcidn't Sxtop T6o Sxay Hgello jou sidn't atop go aay yello jYou sDidn't aStop gTo aSay yHello
Yjou Dsidn't Satop Tgo Saay Hyello tou Diidn't Sttop ro Heello tYou Ddn't Sop rTo Sy Hllo Ytou Ddin't Sotp Tro Sya Hlelo Yoou Djdn't Sfop Too Szy Hsllo
Yu Djidn't Sftop T Hsello Yuo Dijdn't Stfop To Sazy Hesllo Yku D9dn't S5op Tk Sqy H3llo Ykou D9idn't S5top Tko Sqay H3ello Yoku Di9dn't St5op Tok Saqy He3llo
Y9u Dldn't Shop T9 Ssy Hfllo Y9ou Dlidn't Shtop T9o Ssay Hfello Yo9u Dildn't Sthop To9 Sasy Hefllo Y0u Dodn't Syop T0 Swy Hrllo Y0ou Doidn't Sytop T0o Hrello
Yo0u Diodn't Styop To0 Sawy Herllo Ylu Dkdn't S6op Tl Sxy H4llo Ylou Dkidn't S6top Tlo H4ello Yolu Dikdn't St6op Tol Saxy He4llo Yiu D8dn't Sgop Ti Sayy Hdllo
Yiou D8idn't Sgtop Tio Sa Hdello Yoiu Di8dn't Stgop Toi Say Hedllo Youu Dudn't Srop Sag Hwllo Yo Duidn't Srtop Sagy Hwello You Diudn't Strop Sayg Hewllo
Yoh Diddn't Stoop Sah Helllo Yohu Din't Stp Sahy Helo Youh Dind't Stpo Sayh Hello Yo7 Dixn't Stkp Sa6 Heklo Yo7u Dixdn't Stkop Sa6y Hekllo
You7 Didxn't Stokp Say6 Helklo Yok Dien't St9p Sau Heolo Diedn't St9op Sauy Heollo Youk Diden't Sto9p Sayu Helolo

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