Dottie West
Puttin' Pain On Paper

(Mildred Burk)

(Puttin' pain on paper crying in permanent blue.)

When I began this letter I had hopes I wouldn't cry
But I always knew it would 'cause me more than a stamp to tell you goodbye
Puttin' pain on paper, mailing all my hurt to you
Puttin' pain on paper, crying in permanent blue.

Now this pen lets me say the things I could never say to you
But these shaky lines would look as sad in any shade of blue
Puttin' pain on paper, mailing all my hurt to you
Puttin' pain on paper, crying in permanent blue.

I'm glad this ink is permanent it proves I'm not all done
'Cause if tears could wash these words away you wouldn't know who they're from
Puttin' pain on paper, mailing all my hurt to you
Puttin' pain on paper, crying in permanent blue.

Crying in permanent blue...

Mirror lyrics:

Crying in permanent blue...

Puttin' pain on paper, crying in permanent blue.
Puttin' pain on paper, mailing all my hurt to you
'Cause if tears could wash these words away you wouldn't know who they're from
I'm glad this ink is permanent it proves I'm not all done

Puttin' pain on paper, crying in permanent blue.
Puttin' pain on paper, mailing all my hurt to you
But these shaky lines would look as sad in any shade of blue
Now this pen lets me say the things I could never say to you

Puttin' pain on paper, crying in permanent blue.
Puttin' pain on paper, mailing all my hurt to you
But I always knew it would 'cause me more than a stamp to tell you goodbye
When I began this letter I had hopes I wouldn't cry

(Puttin' pain on paper crying in permanent blue.)

(Mildred Burk)

Relevant Tags:
PPuttin' PPain OOn PPaper uttin' ain n aper uPttin' aPin nO aPper 0uttin' 0ain kn 0aper 0Puttin' 0Pain kOn 0Paper P0uttin' P0ain Okn P0aper
luttin' lain 9n laper lPuttin' lPain 9On lPaper Pluttin' Plain O9n Plaper outtin' oain 0n oaper oPuttin' oPain 0On oPaper Pouttin' Poain O0n Poaper
Puuttin' Paain ln Paaper Pttin' Pin lOn Pper Ptutin' Pian Oln Ppaer Phttin' Pzin in Pzper Phuttin' Pzain iOn Pzaper Puhttin' Pazin Oin Pazper
P7ttin' Pqin Onn Pqper P7uttin' Pqain O Pqaper Pu7ttin' Paqin On Paqper Pkttin' Psin Om Psper Pkuttin' Psain Omn Psaper Pukttin' Pasin Onm Pasper
Pittin' Pwin Oh Pwper Piuttin' Pwain Ohn Pwaper Puittin' Pawin Onh Pawper P8ttin' Pxin Oj Pxper P8uttin' Pxain Ojn Pxaper Pu8ttin' Paxin Onj Paxper
Pjttin' Paiin Ob Papper Pjuttin' Pan Obn Paer Pujttin' Pani Onb Paepr Pyttin' Pajn Pa0er Pyuttin' Pajin Pa0per Puyttin' Paijn Pap0er
Putttin' Pa9n Paler Putin' Pa9in Palper Puttin' Pai9n Papler Puftin' Paln Paoer Pufttin' Palin Paoper Putftin' Pailn Papoer
Pu5tin' Paon Papeer Pu5ttin' Paoin Papr Put5tin' Paion Papre Puhtin' Pakn Papsr Pakin Papser Puthtin' Paikn Papesr
Puytin' Pa8n Pap3r Pa8in Pap3er Putytin' Pai8n Pape3r Pu6tin' Paun Papfr Pu6ttin' Pauin Papfer Put6tin' Paiun Papefr
Pugtin' Painn Paprr Pugttin' Pai Paprer Putgtin' Pain Paperr

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