Dottie West
I'm So Afraid Of Losing You Again

(Dallas Frazier - Arthur Leo Owens)

Sometimes I want to throw my arms around you
Then I tremble at the thought of giving in
Because I know how much it cost to love you
And I'm so afraid of losing you again.

Being close to you revives the sorrow
That wakes me up and tells me I can't win
I'd love to wake up in your arms tomorrow
But I'm so afraid of losing you again.

--- Instrumental ---

If heaven were to hear my heart's confession
Wanting you would be my greatest sin
But I'm glad that you're no longer my possession
'Cause I'm so afraid of losing you again.

Being close to you revives the sorrow
That wakes me up and tells me I can't win
I'd love to wake up in your arms tomorrow
But I'm so afraid of losing you again.

I'm so afraid of losing you again...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm so afraid of losing you again...

But I'm so afraid of losing you again.
I'd love to wake up in your arms tomorrow
That wakes me up and tells me I can't win
Being close to you revives the sorrow

'Cause I'm so afraid of losing you again.
But I'm glad that you're no longer my possession
Wanting you would be my greatest sin
If heaven were to hear my heart's confession

--- Instrumental ---

But I'm so afraid of losing you again.
I'd love to wake up in your arms tomorrow
That wakes me up and tells me I can't win
Being close to you revives the sorrow

And I'm so afraid of losing you again.
Because I know how much it cost to love you
Then I tremble at the thought of giving in
Sometimes I want to throw my arms around you

(Dallas Frazier - Arthur Leo Owens)

Relevant Tags:
II'm SSo AAfraid OOf LLosing YYou AAgain 'm o fraid f osing ou gain 'Im oS fAraid fO oLsing oYu gAain j'm zo zfraid kf kosing gou zgain jI'm zSo zAfraid kOf kLosing gYou zAgain
Ij'm Szo Azfraid Okf Lkosing Ygou Azgain 9'm wo qfraid 9f oosing hou qgain 9I'm wSo qAfraid 9Of oLosing hYou qAgain I9'm Swo Aqfraid O9f Loosing Yhou Aqgain l'm do sfraid 0f posing 6ou sgain
lI'm dSo sAfraid 0Of pLosing 6You sAgain Il'm Sdo Asfraid O0f Lposing Y6ou Asgain o'm eo wfraid lf uou wgain oI'm eSo wAfraid lOf Lsing uYou wAgain Io'm Seo Awfraid Olf Lsoing Yuou Awgain
k'm xo xfraid if Lksing 7ou xgain kI'm xSo xAfraid iOf 7You xAgain Ik'm Sxo Axfraid Oif Loksing Y7ou Axgain 8'm ao Affraid Off L9sing jou Aggain 8I'm aSo Araid O L9osing jYou Aain
I8'm Sao Arfaid Of Lo9sing Yjou Aagin u'm Soo Acraid Oc L0sing tou Ahain uI'm S Acfraid Ocf L0osing tYou Ahgain Iu'm So Afcraid Ofc Lo0sing Ytou Aghain I''m Sk Arraid Or Llsing Yoou Ayain
Im Sko Arfraid Orf Llosing Yu Aygain Im' Sok Afrraid Ofr Lolsing Yuo Agyain I'mm S9 Agraid Og Lising Yku Abain I' S9o Agfraid Ogf Liosing Ykou Abgain I'm So9 Afgraid Ofg Loising Yoku Agbain
I'j S0 Atraid Ot Lossing Y9u Avain I'jm S0o Atfraid Otf Loing Y9ou Avgain I'mj So0 Aftraid Oft Loisng Yo9u Agvain I'k Sl Avraid Ov Lozing Y0u Afain I'km Slo Avfraid Ovf Lozsing Y0ou Afgain
I'mk Sol Afvraid Ofv Loszing Yo0u Agfain I'n Si Adraid Od Lowing Ylu Atain I'nm Sio Adfraid Odf Lowsing Ylou Atgain I'mn Soi Afdraid Ofd Loswing Yolu Agtain Loding Yiu Agaain
Afaid Lodsing Yiou Agin Afarid Losding Yoiu Agian Afdaid Loeing Youu Agzin Loesing Yo Agzain Afrdaid Loseing You Agazin
Af4aid Loxing Yoh Agqin Af4raid Loxsing Yohu Agqain Afr4aid Losxing Youh Agaqin Afgaid Loaing Yo7 Agsin Loasing Yo7u Agsain
Afrgaid Losaing You7 Agasin Aftaid Losiing Yok Agwin Losng Agwain Afrtaid Losnig Youk Agawin Af5aid Losjng Yoi Agxin
Af5raid Losjing Agxain Afr5aid Losijng Youi Agaxin Affaid Los9ng Yo8 Agaiin Los9ing Yo8u Agan Afrfaid Losi9ng You8 Agani
Afeaid Loslng Yoj Agajn

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