Dottie West
It's Dawned On Me You're Gone

(Hank Cochran - Red Lane)

I talked to me and I told me you'd be leaving
I made my plans to get up from the fall
I talked to me into thinkin' I could make it
But oh, it's dawned on me you're gone.

It's like I didn't even talk to me or make any plans at all
It's like I died and lived and died again at least ten thousand times
When I realized all you left are these mem'ries in my mind
Oh, it's dawned on me you're gone.

It's like I didn't even talk to me or make any plans at all
It's like I died and lived and died again at least ten thousand times
When I realized all that you left are these mem'ries here in my mind
Oh, it's dawned on me you're gone.

It's like I didn't even talk to me or make any plans at all
Oh, it's dawned on me you're gone...

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, it's dawned on me you're gone...
It's like I didn't even talk to me or make any plans at all

Oh, it's dawned on me you're gone.
When I realized all that you left are these mem'ries here in my mind
It's like I died and lived and died again at least ten thousand times
It's like I didn't even talk to me or make any plans at all

Oh, it's dawned on me you're gone.
When I realized all you left are these mem'ries in my mind
It's like I died and lived and died again at least ten thousand times
It's like I didn't even talk to me or make any plans at all

But oh, it's dawned on me you're gone.
I talked to me into thinkin' I could make it
I made my plans to get up from the fall
I talked to me and I told me you'd be leaving

(Hank Cochran - Red Lane)

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IIt's DDawned OOn MMe YYou're GGone t's awned n e ou're one tI's aDwned nO eM oYu're oGne jt's xawned kn je gou're hone jIt's xDawned kOn jMe gYou're hGone
Ijt's Dxawned Okn Mje Ygou're Ghone 9t's eawned 9n ke hou're yone 9It's eDawned 9On kMe hYou're yGone I9t's Deawned O9n Mke Yhou're Gyone lt's fawned 0n ne 6ou're bone
lIt's fDawned 0On nMe 6You're bGone Ilt's Dfawned O0n Mne Y6ou're Gbone ot's rawned ln Mee uou're vone oIt's rDawned lOn M uYou're vGone Iot's Drawned Oln Me Yuou're Gvone
kt's cawned in Ms 7ou're fone kIt's cDawned iOn Mse 7You're fGone Ikt's Dcawned Oin Mes Y7ou're Gfone 8t's sawned Onn M3 jou're tone 8It's sDawned O M3e jYou're tGone
I8t's Dsawned On Me3 Yjou're Gtone ut's Daawned Om Mf tou're Goone uIt's Dwned Omn Mfe tYou're Gne Iut's Dwaned Onm Mef Ytou're Gnoe Itt's Dzwned Oh Mr Yoou're Gkne
I's Dzawned Ohn Mre Yu're Gkone I'ts Dazwned Onh Mer Yuo're Gokne If's Dqwned Oj M4 Yku're G9ne Ift's Dqawned Ojn M4e Ykou're G9one Itf's Daqwned Onj Me4 Yoku're Go9ne
I5's Dswned Ob Md Y9u're G0ne I5t's Obn Mde Y9ou're G0one It5's Daswned Onb Med Yo9u're Go0ne Ih's Dwwned Mw Y0u're Glne Iht's Dwawned Mwe Y0ou're Glone
Ith's Dawwned Mew Yo0u're Golne Iy's Dxwned Ylu're Gine Iyt's Ylou're Gione Ity's Daxwned Yolu're Goine I6's Yiu're Gonne
I6t's Daned Yiou're Goe It6's Danwed Yoiu're Goen Ig's Daaned Youu're Gome Igt's Yo're Gomne Itg's Dawaned Yo'ure Gonme
Ir's Da3ned Yoh're Gohe Irt's Da3wned Yohu're Gohne Itr's Daw3ned Youh're Gonhe It''s Dadned Yo7're Goje Its Dadwned Yo7u're Gojne
Its' Dawdned You7're Gonje It'ss Daened Yok're Gobe It' Daewned Gobne It's Dawened Youk're Gonbe It'z Dasned Yoi're Gonee
It'zs Gon

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