Dottie West
How's The World Treating You

(Boudleaux Bryant - Chet Atkins)

I've had nothing but sorrow
Since you said we were through
There's no hope for tomorrow
How's the world treatin' you?

Well, every sweet thing that mattered
Has been broken in two
And all my dreams have been shattered
How's the world treatin' you?

I got no plans for next Sunday
I got no plans for today
Everyday is blue Monday
Every day you're away.

Though our pathways have parted
To your mem'ry I'm true
And guess I'll stay broken hearted,
How's the world treatin' you?

--- Instrumental ---

Well, do you wonder about me
Like I'm hoping you do
Are you lonesome without me
Have you found someone new?

Are you burning and yearning
Do you ever get blue
And do you think of reurning
How's the world treatin' you?

How's the world treatin' you?...

Mirror lyrics:

How's the world treatin' you?...

How's the world treatin' you?
And do you think of reurning
Do you ever get blue
Are you burning and yearning

Have you found someone new?
Are you lonesome without me
Like I'm hoping you do
Well, do you wonder about me

--- Instrumental ---

How's the world treatin' you?
And guess I'll stay broken hearted,
To your mem'ry I'm true
Though our pathways have parted

Every day you're away.
Everyday is blue Monday
I got no plans for today
I got no plans for next Sunday

How's the world treatin' you?
And all my dreams have been shattered
Has been broken in two
Well, every sweet thing that mattered

How's the world treatin' you?
There's no hope for tomorrow
Since you said we were through
I've had nothing but sorrow

(Boudleaux Bryant - Chet Atkins)

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Hjow's Tfhe Waorld Tfreating Ygou uow's 5he 3orld 5reating hou uHow's 5The 3World 5Treating hYou Huow's T5he W3orld T5reating Yhou now's hhe dorld hreating 6ou
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Ho's Wiorld Yiou Ho'ws Thge Woirld Tr5eating Yoiu Hoa's Tye Worrld Tfeating Youu Hoaw's Wold Yo Howa's Thye Wolrd Trfeating You
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