Donny Hathaway
The Closer I Get To You

The closer I get to you
The more you make me see
Like giving me all you got
Your love has captured me

Over and over again
I try to tell myself that we
Could never be more than friends
And all the while inside
I knew it was real
The way you make me feel

Lying here next to you
Time just seems to fly
Needing you more and more
Let's give love a try

Sweeter than sweeter love grows
And heaven's there for those
Who fool the tricks of time
With the hearts in love you find
True love
In a special way

The closer I get to you
The more you make me see
By giving me all you got
Your love has captured me

Over and over again
I try to tell myself that we
Could never be more than friends
And all the while inside
I knew it was real
The way you make me feel

The closer I get to you
The more you'll make me see
By giving you all I got
Your love has captured me

The closer I get to you
The feeling comes over me (me too)
Pulling closer
Sweet is the gravity!

Mirror lyrics:

Sweet is the gravity!
Pulling closer
The feeling comes over me (me too)
The closer I get to you

Your love has captured me
By giving you all I got
The more you'll make me see
The closer I get to you

The way you make me feel
I knew it was real
And all the while inside
Could never be more than friends
I try to tell myself that we
Over and over again

Your love has captured me
By giving me all you got
The more you make me see
The closer I get to you

In a special way
True love
With the hearts in love you find
Who fool the tricks of time
And heaven's there for those
Sweeter than sweeter love grows

Let's give love a try
Needing you more and more
Time just seems to fly
Lying here next to you

The way you make me feel
I knew it was real
And all the while inside
Could never be more than friends
I try to tell myself that we
Over and over again

Your love has captured me
Like giving me all you got
The more you make me see
The closer I get to you

Relevant Tags:
TThe CCloser II GGet TTo YYou he loser et o ou hTe lCoser I eGt oT oYu fhe floser j het fo gou fThe fCloser jI hGet fTo gYou Tfhe Cfloser Ij Ghet Tfo Ygou
5he xloser 9 yet 5o hou 5The xCloser 9I yGet 5To hYou T5he Cxloser I9 Gyet T5o Yhou hhe vloser l bet ho 6ou hThe vCloser lI bGet hTo 6You Thhe Cvloser Il Gbet Tho Y6ou
yhe dloser o vet yo uou yThe dCloser oI vGet yTo uYou Tyhe Cdloser Io Gvet Tyo Yuou 6he Clloser k fet 6o 7ou 6The Coser kI fGet 6To 7You T6he Colser Ik Gfet T6o Y7ou
ghe Ckoser 8 tet go jou gThe Ckloser 8I tGet gTo jYou Tghe Clkoser I8 Gtet Tgo Yjou rhe Cooser u Geet ro tou rThe Coloser uI Gt rTo tYou Trhe Clooser Iu Gte Tro Ytou
Cposer Gst Too Yoou Te Cploser Gset T Yu Teh Clposer Gest To Yuo Tje G3t Tk Yku Tjhe Clser G3et Tko Ykou Thje Clsoer Ge3t Tok Yoku
Tue Clkser Gft T9 Y9u Tuhe T9o Y9ou Thue Clokser Geft To9 Yo9u Tne Cl9ser Grt T0 Y0u Tnhe Cl9oser Gret T0o Y0ou Thne Clo9ser Gert To0 Yo0u
Tbe Cl0ser G4t Tl Ylu Tbhe Cl0oser G4et Tlo Ylou Thbe Clo0ser Ge4t Tol Yolu Tge Cllser Gdt Ti Yiu Gdet Tio Yiou Thge Clolser Gedt Toi Yoiu
Tye Cliser Gwt Youu Clioser Gwet Yo Thye Cloiser Gewt You Thee Closser Gett Yoh Th Cloer Ge Yohu The Cloesr Get Youh
Ths Clozer Gef Yo7 Thse Clozser Yo7u Thes Closzer Getf You7

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