Donny Osmond
After The Love Has Gone

For awhile, to love was all we could do
We were young and we knew, and our eyes were alive
Deep inside we knew our love was true

For awhile, we paid no mind to the past
We knew love would last every night
Somethin' right would invite us to begin the dance

Somethin' happened along the way
What used to be happy is sad
Somethin' happened along the way
And yesterday was all that we had

And oh, after the love has gone
How could you lead me on and not let me stay around
Oh, after the love has gone
What used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost be found

For awhile, to love each other with all
We would ever need, love was strong for so long
Never knew that what was wrong wasn't right

Somethin' happened along the way
What used to be happy is sad
Somethin' happened along the way
And yesterday was all we had

And oh, after the love has gone
How could you lead me on and not let me stay around
Oh, after the love has gone
What used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost still be found

And oh, after the love has gone
How could you lead me on and not let me stay around
Oh, after the love has gone
What used to be right is now wrong
Can love that's lost be found

Mirror lyrics:

Can love that's lost be found
What used to be right is now wrong
Oh, after the love has gone
How could you lead me on and not let me stay around
And oh, after the love has gone

Can love that's lost still be found
What used to be right is wrong
Oh, after the love has gone
How could you lead me on and not let me stay around
And oh, after the love has gone

And yesterday was all we had
Somethin' happened along the way
What used to be happy is sad
Somethin' happened along the way

Never knew that what was wrong wasn't right
We would ever need, love was strong for so long
For awhile, to love each other with all

Can love that's lost be found
What used to be right is wrong
Oh, after the love has gone
How could you lead me on and not let me stay around
And oh, after the love has gone

And yesterday was all that we had
Somethin' happened along the way
What used to be happy is sad
Somethin' happened along the way

Somethin' right would invite us to begin the dance
We knew love would last every night
For awhile, we paid no mind to the past

Deep inside we knew our love was true
We were young and we knew, and our eyes were alive
For awhile, to love was all we could do

Relevant Tags:
AAfter TThe LLove HHas GGone fter he ove as one fAter hTe oLve aHs oGne zfter fhe kove jas hone zAfter fThe kLove jHas hGone Azfter Tfhe Lkove Hjas Ghone
qfter 5he oove uas yone qAfter 5The oLove uHas yGone Aqfter T5he Loove Huas Gyone sfter hhe pove nas bone sAfter hThe pLove nHas bGone Asfter Thhe Lpove Hnas Gbone
wfter yhe bas vone wAfter yThe Lve bHas vGone Awfter Tyhe Lvoe Hbas Gvone xfter 6he Lkve gas fone xAfter 6The gHas fGone Axfter T6he Lokve Hgas Gfone
Affter ghe L9ve yas tone Ater gThe L9ove yHas tGone Atfer Tghe Lo9ve Hyas Gtone Acter rhe L0ve Haas Goone Acfter rThe L0ove Hs Gne Afcter Trhe Lo0ve Hsa Gnoe
Arter Llve Hzs Gkne Arfter Te Llove Hzas Gkone Afrter Teh Lolve Hazs Gokne Agter Tje Live Hqs G9ne Agfter Tjhe Liove Hqas G9one Afgter Thje Loive Haqs Go9ne
Atter Tue Lovve Hss G0ne Atfter Tuhe Loe Hsas G0one Aftter Thue Loev Hass Go0ne Avter Tne Lobe Hws Glne Avfter Tnhe Lobve Hwas Glone Afvter Thne Lovbe Haws Golne
Adter Tbe Loce Hxs Gine Adfter Tbhe Locve Hxas Gione Afdter Thbe Lovce Haxs Goine Tge Loge Gonne Afer Logve Ha Goe Afetr Thge Lovge Has Goen
Affer Tye Lofe Haz Gome Lofve Gomne Aftfer Thye Lovfe Hasz Gonme Af5er Thee Lovee Haw Gohe Af5ter Th Lov Gohne Aft5er The Love Hasw Gonhe
Afher Ths Lovs Had Goje Afhter Thse Lovse Hads Gojne

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