Donnie Mcclurkin
Just A Little Talk With Jesus

I once was lost in sin
Jesus took me in
And then a light from heaven filled my soul
He filled my heart with love
Wrote my name above
Just a talk with Jesus makes it all right

Repeat Verse:

Have a little talk with Jesus
Tell God about your troubles
He'll hear the faintest cry
And answer bye and bye
Feel the prayer wheel turning
Know that the fire's burning
Just a talk with Jesus makes it all right

Repeat Chorus:

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus:

Just a talk with Jesus makes it all right
Know that the fire's burning
Feel the prayer wheel turning
And answer bye and bye
He'll hear the faintest cry
Tell God about your troubles
Have a little talk with Jesus

Repeat Verse:

Just a talk with Jesus makes it all right
Wrote my name above
He filled my heart with love
And then a light from heaven filled my soul
Jesus took me in
I once was lost in sin

Relevant Tags:
JJust AA LLittle TTalk WWith JJesus ust ittle alk ith esus uJst A iLttle aTlk iWth eJsus kust z kittle falk aith kesus kJust zA kLittle fTalk aWith kJesus
Jkust Az Lkittle Tfalk Waith Jkesus iust q oittle 5alk 3ith iesus iJust qA oLittle 5Talk 3With iJesus Jiust Aq Loittle T5alk W3ith Jiesus must s pittle halk dith mesus
mJust sA pLittle hTalk dWith mJesus Jmust As Lpittle Thalk Wdith Jmesus nust w Liittle yalk eith nesus nJust wA Lttle yTalk eWith nJesus Jnust Aw Ltitle Tyalk Weith Jnesus
hust x Ljttle 6alk sith hesus hJust xA Ljittle 6Talk sWith hJesus Jhust Ax Lijttle T6alk Wsith Jhesus uust L9ttle galk 2ith uesus uJust L9ittle gTalk 2With uJesus
Juust Li9ttle Tgalk W2ith Juesus Llttle ralk qith Jeesus Jst Llittle rTalk qWith Jsus Jsut Lilttle Tralk Wqith Jseus Jhst Lottle Taalk Wiith Jssus
Tlk Wth Jsesus Juhst Liottle Tlak Wtih Jessus J7st Lkttle Tzlk Wjth J3sus J7ust Tzalk Wjith J3esus Ju7st Likttle Tazlk Wijth Je3sus
Jkst L8ttle Tqlk W9th Jfsus L8ittle Tqalk W9ith Jfesus Jukst Li8ttle Taqlk Wi9th Jefsus Jist Luttle Tslk Wlth Jrsus Luittle Tsalk Wlith Jresus
Juist Liuttle Taslk Wilth Jersus J8st Litttle Twlk Woth J4sus J8ust Litle Twalk Woith J4esus Ju8st Little Tawlk Wioth Je4sus Jjst Liftle Txlk Wkth Jdsus
Jjust Lifttle Txalk Wkith Jdesus Jujst Litftle Taxlk Wikth Jedsus Jyst Li5tle Tallk W8th Jwsus Jyust Li5ttle Tak W8ith Jwesus Juyst Lit5tle Takl Wi8th Jewsus
Jusst Lihtle Takk Wuth Jut Lihttle Taklk Wuith Jeus Juts Lithtle Talkk Wiuth Jeuss Juzt Liytle Taok Witth Jezus Juzst Liyttle Taolk Wih Jezsus
Juszt Litytle Talok Wiht Jeszus Juwt Li6tle Tapk Wifh Jewus Juwst Li6ttle Taplk Wifth Juswt Lit6tle Talpk Witfh Jeswus

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