Dr. Octagon
I've Got To Tell You

Hello, this is the offices of dr. octagon.

If you have insurance or medical problems, Im here for you

For any type of intestine surgery, rectal rebuilding, relocated

Saliva glands... and chimpanzee acne! and of course moose bumps.

You can call 1-800pp51-doodoo. Im in your corner."

Mirror lyrics:

You can call 1-800pp51-doodoo. Im in your corner."

Saliva glands... and chimpanzee acne! and of course moose bumps.

For any type of intestine surgery, rectal rebuilding, relocated

If you have insurance or medical problems, Im here for you

Hello, this is the offices of dr. octagon.

Relevant Tags:
II've GGot TTo TTell YYou 've ot o ell ou 'Ive oGt oT eTll oYu j've hot fo fell gou jI've hGot fTo fTell gYou Ij've Ghot Tfo Tfell Ygou
9've yot 5o 5ell hou 9I've yGot 5To 5Tell hYou I9've Gyot T5o T5ell Yhou l've bot ho hell 6ou lI've bGot hTo hTell 6You Il've Gbot Tho Thell Y6ou
o've vot yo yell uou oI've vGot yTo yTell uYou Io've Gvot Tyo Tyell Yuou k've fot 6o 6ell 7ou kI've fGot 6To 6Tell 7You Ik've Gfot T6o T6ell Y7ou
8've tot go gell jou 8I've tGot gTo gTell jYou I8've Gtot Tgo Tgell Yjou u've Goot ro rell tou uI've Gt rTo rTell tYou Iu've Gto Tro Trell Ytou
I''ve Gkt Too Teell Yoou Ive Gkot T Tll Yu Iv'e Gokt To Tlel Yuo I'vve G9t Tk Tsll Yku I'e G9ot Tko Tsell Ykou I'ev Go9t Tok Tesll Yoku
I'be G0t T9 T3ll Y9u I'bve G0ot T9o T3ell Y9ou I'vbe Go0t To9 Te3ll Yo9u

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