Can't cuss I forgot about that, so I can't do that n' more.
There's always something. I can't do one thing, I can't do this.
I can't even open my mouth, I can't _ can't talk.
What d'you mean I can?
The only time I d.....man you....you really get to me man.....
...I swear you really do man sometime ain't gonna screw......
whole back in .....I drive it all the time......you know....
....c'mon man you don't know anything about me.....
I get a whole different impression of you
....well who the heck wouldn't man?......If somebody had done like,
like you do all the time.....
Whenever I do wups
....oh it don't work so we gotta fix that now....
I get a whole different impression of you
....I would too man but won't you listen to me for one time?...
Look I used to do things for you but....
Whenever I do wups
...let me do it Ok. Its my time.....I'm gonna do it...
'Cause if I'm emotional
I can't be emotional....Not now man c'mon....
Then I know you'll walk with me
And if I'm conversational
....who's conversational man?...just 'cause I wanna talk to somebody
don't mean....
I know you'll talk to me
....I'll talk to you man.....
But when I'm straight
...I'm straight now can't you understand what I'm saying man?....
Don't you know it can't wait
...I can't either ...C'mon now...
I get a whole different impression of you
...who wouldn't man I get a different impression of you too man..
Whenever I, whenever I, whenever I do wups
...to say man, just say it.....and I'll go man...I'll get my stet and
I'll go man.....I'll split...I want all of you to hear it man....and I
want you to pay some attention to me for once in a while man...you dig it
...all of you man...you too Ron.....every now and then you don't listen
to me right?....but after a while you say "Oh I heard something out the
corner of my ear....but I thought it was somebody else". But it was really
Bill.....it was really Bill...you dig it....just like it was when I said
hey ah that other tune...what is it.. that.. the bra. ... Sittin' In The
Bar, right ...I told you that was gonna be a hit and it was, and still is,
and people still record it man...ain't nobody......every time I say something
man I catch you do it....you do it...I....I know your brain ol' man.....
I know how it work ...you hear. You say uh oh...two month later I thought of that......
I know how it work ...you hear. You say uh oh...two month later I thought of that......
man I catch you do it....you do it...I....I know your brain ol' man.....
and people still record it man...ain't nobody......every time I say something
Bar, right ...I told you that was gonna be a hit and it was, and still is,
hey ah that other tune...what is it.. that.. the bra. ... Sittin' In The
Bill.....it was really Bill...you dig it....just like it was when I said
corner of my ear....but I thought it was somebody else". But it was really
to me right?....but after a while you say "Oh I heard something out the
...all of you man...you too Ron.....every now and then you don't listen
want you to pay some attention to me for once in a while man...you dig it
I'll go man.....I'll split...I want all of you to hear it man....and I
...to say man, just say it.....and I'll go man...I'll get my stet and
Whenever I, whenever I, whenever I do wups
...who wouldn't man I get a different impression of you too man..
I get a whole different impression of you
...I can't either ...C'mon now...
Don't you know it can't wait
...I'm straight now can't you understand what I'm saying man?....
But when I'm straight
....I'll talk to you man.....
I know you'll talk to me
don't mean....
....who's conversational man?...just 'cause I wanna talk to somebody
And if I'm conversational
Then I know you'll walk with me
I can't be emotional....Not now man c'mon....
'Cause if I'm emotional
...let me do it Ok. Its my time.....I'm gonna do it...
Whenever I do wups
Look I used to do things for you but....
....I would too man but won't you listen to me for one time?...
I get a whole different impression of you
....oh it don't work so we gotta fix that now....
Whenever I do wups
like you do all the time.....
....well who the heck wouldn't man?......If somebody had done like,
I get a whole different impression of you
....c'mon man you don't know anything about me.....
whole back in .....I drive it all the time......you know....
...I swear you really do man sometime ain't gonna screw......
The only time I d.....man you....you really get to me man.....
What d'you mean I can?
I can't even open my mouth, I can't _ can't talk.
There's always something. I can't do one thing, I can't do this.
Can't cuss I forgot about that, so I can't do that n' more.
WWups |
| ups |
| uWps |
| aups |
| aWups |
| Waups |
| 3ups |
| 3Wups |
| W3ups |
| dups |
| dWups |
Wdups |
| eups |
| eWups |
| Weups |
| sups |
| sWups |
| Wsups |
| 2ups |
| 2Wups |
| W2ups |
| qups |
qWups |
| Wqups |
| Wuups |
| Wps |
| Wpus |
| Whps |
| Whups |
| Wuhps |
| W7ps |
| W7ups |
| Wu7ps |
Wkps |
| Wkups |
| Wukps |
| Wips |
| Wiups |
| Wuips |
| W8ps |
| W8ups |